In some anime, there are characters that suck, but One Piece has some characters that are just the worst. Even those not among the Worst Generation, and it’s even in their name! Whether it be to some personality quirk, something they did, or just their appearance, these characters are ones that fans consider the worst in One Piece.
Just a note, worst in this case by no means that they’re a bad character, just that they’re… awful. Like on a personal or looks level, these people are the worst, but as with most characters Oda creates, everyone gets their job done!
This article does contain spoilers for One Piece through the Egghead Island arc in chapter 1092. The manga is available to read on Viz or MangaPlus online.
12. Trebol

He’s just gross, and that’s putting it in the nicest way possible. Trebol is an awful person at the start, as he’s the one who took Doflamingo’s hatred and molded it into a weapon of destruction. All for his own gain of course, as he eventually manipulates the young former Celestial Dragon into taking over Dressrosa, subjugating all the citizens. Trebol was just one of the few who enabled Donquixote Doflamingo to destroy the country, turning residents into toys if not outright killing them.
It gets worse though, because Trebol is just as much of a slimy piece of garbage on the outside as he is inside. He constantly has mucus or boogers hanging from his nose, so he weaponizes them with the power of the Stick-Stick Fruit. That’s right, Trebol fights using his boogers, which is just as gross as it sounds.
11. Edward Weevil

This character’s strength is nothing compared to his father, and unfortunately for Weevil, neither are his looks. Which is even stranger when his true parentage comes to light. He really is the son of Edward Newgate, the infamous Whitebeard, and his mother is Stussy, an original member of the Rocks Pirates. Stussy’s younger clone is a part of Cipher Pol 0 and nowhere near as weird-looking as she is, but One Piece has pulled some strange age transformations before.
Weevil hasn’t served much of a purpose yet in the story, but every panel of him not beating the crap out of someone shows that he’s incredibly stupid. He’s basically a big child, and Stussy is the overbearing mother from hell that everyone has nightmares about seeing.
10. Kanjuro

This guy gave most people the creeps right from the get-go on Dressrosa. He just looks like a creep from his first appearance, and the terrible drawings he creates are… too awful for any kind of person with that Devil Fruit. Go figure, he’s revealed as an accomplice of Kurozumi Orochi, the dictator of Wano, and betrayed the Oden clan in a long con. There’s just so much punchable about him, but that’s not the worst part. The treason and betrayal aren’t the worst part either. No, Kanjuro has so many crimes beyond that to answer for in any afterlife that One Piece includes, and his most prominent involves his artwork.
In the Raid on Onigashima when his betrayal is revealed, he reveals his terrible art was a con as well. Kanjuro is actually a fantastic artist, and intentionally drew terribly to keep up the act. Method acting can work, but when used to create terrifying abominations to get your work done who are in terrible pain is kind of a dick move. He’s like some sadistic god who just terrifies the beings he creates for no reason whatsoever.
9. Kurozumi Orochi

Speaking of the guy that Kannjuro betrays everyone for, here’s this asshole. Kurozumi Orochi is just awful from the first appearance, with his giant head and tiny body that looks like a Funko figure with more detail. Then he begins his long takeover of Wano, revealing just how truly terrible he is as he twists and turns Kozuki Oden’s kindness for his own gain. No matter what the cost, Orochi wants power, and he gets it. Orochi welcomes the Beast Pirates into Wano with open arms, taking over with no issue thanks to Kaido’s backing.
Then the way he takes advantage of Oden for his own enjoyment is just cruel and sadistic. He makes the honorable Kozuki Oden dance around in just a loincloth for three years throughout Wano. All while he and his family barely live and they don’t even know why. After all of that, Orochi still murders Oden, going back to his original promise. A scumbag of the highest order.
8. Absalom

A creep through and through, and pervert enough to make Sanji believe he needs to be stopped. There’s no telling where Absalom was at any time while the Straw Hats first found their way into Thriller Bark thanks to his Clear-Clear Fruit. Which he would use for the worst reasons, from peeking in the women’s showers to straight-up kidnapping Nami to make her his bride. The guy was disgusting from beginning to end, and the way he treated everyone around him just made it even worse.
Look, when even Sanji needs to tell the guy to keep his sexual harassment in check, that’s a bad sign. The man almost bled out when he saw a mermaid but even he isn’t kidnapping people and forcing marriages. Somehow Lola manages to chase after him this whole time, although he doesn’t want her, and Absalom doesn’t even deserve someone as nice as Lola.
7. Foxy the Silver Fox

One of the most punchable faces in One Piece and one of the easiest characters to hate right from first sight. Foxy just looks like he’s awful, as soon as he’s on screen, then when he introduces himself it just makes it so, so much worse. He’s an absolute jerk and will do anything to win by any means necessary, whether it be lying, cheating, or murder. The Davy Back Fight is fixed in his favor from the start, with Slow-Slow Fruit powers disrupting the Straw Hats while his crew cheats or lies.
The anime makes Foxy even more unbearable by giving him recurring roles in filler arcs as a villain. The Davy Back Fight even happens a second time in the anime, whereas one was thankfully enough in the source manga. It’s just the most mind-boggling decision to make filler out of a character that’s so hated already. Imagine if Bleach gave Kon entire filler arcs and that’s how it feels.
6. Caesar Clown

Caesar Clown isn’t the worst in looks or anything of that nature, he’s actually a really cool villain to face. The Gas-Gas Fruit gives him a ton of really cool powers and he’s able to put up a good fight with Luffy despite his obvious strength disadvantage. No, Caesar Clown is the worst for just being… the worst person. The guy kidnaps a ton of kids, consistently feeds them drugs to make sure they can’t leave, and then experiments on them to try and create artificial giants. That seems to break a few laws of ethics, and that’s being lenient.
Then he just continuously wiggles his way out of consequences like any decent war criminal. Even after causing the massacre at Punk Hazard over four years previously, he’s still free and continuing his experiments. Sure, it’s in hiding and total disgrace, but it’s better than he deserves. Then he still manages to get out of any sort of consequences as Bege frees him at the end of Whole Cake Island.
5. Charlotte Brulee

Brulee has the looks and attitude that would make a rock jealous, and that’s not a compliment in any way. She’s hideous in the first place, looking like the witch that eats Hansel and Gretel got mashed through an Alice in Wonderland filter. Then there’s the fact that she never shuts the hell up, constantly complaining about every little thing. No matter what, she mocks everything that happens while trying to disrupt the Straw Hats in their work. Of course, she’s also restrained and being carried around by various Straw Hats during the entire battle so maybe she has an excuse.
4. Wapol

The world will never forgive this man for the damage he causes to the Going Merry. Upon finding the ship the first thing he does is take a huge chomp out of the deck railing, throwing everyone else into a frenzy as he just devours their ship. That’s only his intro too, as when they get to the Drum Kingdom they find out the extent of his awfulness as their ruler. Wapol stole all the healthcare from everyone in the kingdom, leaving them to die of illness or injury, whatever happened first.
Then when Luffy finally sends him the message that he’s not wanted there, he goes off and starts a toy business with his powers. Then this spirals into a corporatocracy, and he creates the Black Drum Kingdom, with him as ruler. Are there even citizens of the Black Drum Kingdom? Wapol buys his way into the Reverie still, and somehow gets a say in world politics still even after his numerous crimes against humanity. Damn, One Piece is just like real-life politics!
3. Caribou

Caribou is just gross, in every sense of the word. He ate the Swamp-Swamp Fruit, which turns him into a full-on swamp that can totally swallow up his enemies. Or others, because Caribou usually use it to capture and sell people as slaves. He’s relentless too, because the Straw Hats first give him a beatdown on the way to Fishman Island, then AT Fishman Island. Even still he manages to get away sometime around Punk Hazard and get himself captured in Wano.
There’s really just no reason for Caribou to be such a gross human. When he ends up on Fishman Island it’s like his first instinct to kidnap a whole group of mermaids. I get that he’s a pirate and pillages for money but damn dude, that’s just going a little too overboard with the whole thing. Between that and his powers, he just seems like an unpleasant, musty, and damp person to be around.
2. Spandam

There was a very, very close tie for the top spot that Spandam just missed out on. The original “leader” of Cipher Pol 9, Spandam was a nepo baby in the highest sense. His father Spandine was already a terrible person, carrying out the Buster Call at Ohara, and like father, like son applies far too well here. Spandam takes Robin to try and live up to his father’s legacy, and even calls in a Buster Call by total accident for good measure.
He gets really high up on the list thanks to how he treats Robin as a prisoner. Spandam isn’t there until the Straw Hats actually get to Enies Lobby, and when he has Robin restrained and unable to resist, he freely beats her up. It’s a pitiful, weak display from a coward of a man, and shows what Helmeppo could have become if Luffy didn’t beat the crap out of Morgan when he did.
1. Charlos

Again, the top spot had a very, very close competition. Charlos makes his debut by being absolutely indefensible, murdering a man in the street for trying to protect his girlfriend. Then he abuses his privilege by shooting Hatchan again later after being unable to buy Camie for a slave, and tries to take him instead. Charlos is a spoiled brat that never knew what being told ‘no’ was like, and it shows now as he’s one asshole of an adult that gets whatever he wants.
Think the ridiculous Gum-Gum Pistol that Luffy delivers to his jaw is going to fix his terrible behavior? Wrong, because Charlos is just as bad when he reappears during the Reverie. He immediately demands that Shirahoshi become his slave, and has Donquixote Myosgard crucified for stopping him from getting her. Saint Charlos is an absolute monster that deserves the worst hell imaginable.
There are probably some more characters that Oda has in store who will inevitably fit the list of worst. When that time comes there will be updates, but until then, fans can universally hate all of these characters together. The worst characters in One Piece don’t just make things obnoxious for the characters, but for every viewer or reader when they enjoy the story.