When it comes to One Piece, there isn’t a lack of characters whose quotes fans find inspiring. One such character is Smoker – a Marine. Although fans tend to side with the Pirates in the show, there are a few good Marines, like Smoker, who always manage to win hearts. We don’t see him say a lot in the anime, but when he does – it leaves an impact. This goes to show that even the most serious characters can have a lot to say when given the chance. Here’s our take on hip top 10 quotes.
Who is Smoker in One Piece?

Smoker, also known as the White Hunter, is a Marine Vice Admiral in One Piece. He has a rather intriguing character design and has that ‘cool’ look that fans die over. Smoker is a very strong individual who has taken part in very important Marine missions. He was in Dressrosa, Alabasta and even Wano. Smoker also heavily believes in justice and goes out of his way to ensure his goals as a Marine are met.
He possesses immense strength as an individual and can even jump as high as two stories. His build ensures that he is resistant to physical attacks and can hold his own in battle. He’s resisted attacks from Boa Hancock who’s known to break through Pacifista armor and even shatter stone with her kicks. It is his immense strength, commitment to his job, and determination that make him such a fan favorite.
10. “Justice… doesn’t need a fancy name! It’s about catching the bad guys; that’s all there is to it!” (Loguetown Arc, Chapter 92)
Smoker is a simple character. He’s motivated by his sense of justice and that’s why he joined the Marines. He doesn’t want to do anything out of the ordinary to be a hero; he just wants the bad guys behind bars. It’s easy to understand from this quote why Smoker ends up becoming a fan-favorite Marine in the series.
9. “I don’t care what your reasons are. A pirate is a pirate! And pirates… will be captured!” (Loguetown Arc, Chapter 93)
This quote shows one of his drawbacks and his strengths. He’s fiercely loyal to what he believes is Justice. However, it tends to get in the way of him being able to reason between what is good or bad for himself. He fails to see that a Pirate can also be good. But, it does show he doesn’t let his personal judgment get in the way of his work.
8. “Don’t think this means I’m letting you go. Your reign of terror ends here, Crocodile!” (Alabasta Arc, Chapter 166)
As much as fans adore Crocodile in the Alabasta Arc, they also adore Smoker in it. Quotes like this, where he shows his strength by standing firm on his ideals, make him the great Marine that he is. Similarly, he never backs away from a fight, no matter how powerful his opponent is. Even against Sir Crocodile, he was steadfast in his duty.
7. “You wanna be a pirate? Then be prepared to face the Marines!” (Punk Hazard Arc, Chapter 657)
Unlike some Marines who have a soft spot for Pirates, Smoker is unbiased towards them all. In this quote, you can clearly see him stating that anyone who chooses to be a pirate is an enemy of the Marines. This, by extension, applies to his being an enemy of Smoker as well.
6. “It’s not about winning or losing. It’s about upholding justice.” (Punk Hazard Arc, Chapter 673)
There are many Marines who are power-hungry and are only committed to their job because of the prestige and perks it comes with. This quote shows that Smoker is the last person to have a mindset like that. His main goal is to uphold justice, and that’s all he will do.
5. “There’s nothing more pathetic than a pirate asking for help.” (Dressrosa Arc, Chapter 740)
Smoker has always detested Pirates. However, his disdain for Pirates being weak is even greater. In this remark that he makes to Doflamingo, you can clearly see how lowly he thinks of him. For fans, it created a power imbalance between the two, making Smoker take exceptionally cool.
4. “You underestimate the Marines, Donquixote Doflamingo!” (Dressrosa Arc, Chapter 749)
Let’s face it, Doflamingo was a menace in Dressrosa, even if he was a Warlord. For the greater part of it, he was getting away with doing whatever he wanted. But Smoker wasn’t having it. He clearly warns Doflamingo not to underestimate the Marines because the tables will turn.
3. “Justice isn’t something you can measure in victories and defeats. It’s about unwavering resolve.” (Wano Country Arc, Chapter 998)
There are a lot of Marines who see justice as a game of chess. You win against the pirates, and you have achieved justice. However, Smoker doesn’t see things that way. To him, justice is about resolve and having the will to reduce oppression. He believes that the battle for justice is never won; you keep trying and hope to make a difference.
2. “No matter how many times you escape, Luffy… I will catch you! That’s my duty!” (Wano Country Arc, Chapter 1015)
Regardless of every encounter Smoker has had with the Straw Hats and Luffy, they always manage to get away. To be frank, anyone would be tired of it by now. However, this quote shows that Smoker firmly believes that catching Luffy is his duty. He will try as many times as it takes until it is finally done.
1. “I’m Smoker… a Marine officer! And I… won’t back down!” (Wano Country Arc, Chapter 1015)
Lastly, we have our top quote. This just shows how much Smoker loves being a Marine and how he’s true to himself no matter what. He’s the sort of person who faces any challenge head-on and won’t back down from it. Honestly? That’s why fans love him as much as they do!