The world of One Piece is full of strange things and places, from islands in the sky to the bottom of the sea. Fishman Island, the said one at the bottom of the sea, is one of the most hated and feared places by those on the surface. The home to the Fishmen, where is Fishman Island, and why are people so afraid of it?
Fair warning! This article contains spoilers from One Piece up to the current chapter, 1089. If not caught up, the manga is available on Viz, MangaPlus or a local bookstore. Read on with caution!
Where is Fishman Island?

Deep at the bottom of the ocean, in a small space under the Sabaody Archipelago, Fishman Island is nestled. A massive bubble surrounds it, keeping everything inside dry, which allows for human visitors to move about freely. Although its deep under the ocean, Fishman Island receives natural sunlight thanks to the sunlight tree, Eve, which brings light below to them.
The island itself is divided into a few different parts. Another, smaller bubble sits above the main one, and houses the Ryugyu Kingdom castle, with the royal family. Below on the main island, the Sea Forest, Fishman District, and various small villages dot the way. While the Fishman District is almost exclusively populated by Fishmen who are outcasts, the main island consists of mostly mermaids.
A Tragic History

The Fishmen are one of the most feared and subjugated people in the world of One Piece. Taken for centuries as slaves by the Celestial Dragons, they’ve desperately fought for their own freedom and representation in the surface world. It’s been in vain for the most part, though they were finally given a seat at the Reverie. Not that it’s been easy to do, as Queen Otohime, the one who kickstarts these efforts in modern times, is the victim of an assassination by Hody Jones. Hody frames a human for the crime, and stokes the racism and hatred of Fishmen further despite Otohime’s message.
Racism is a central theme to the Fishman Island arc, which leads to a more divisive take on it from fans. Hody Jones is motivated by his hatred for humans, learned from none other than Arlong. While Arlong hates humans, he was a Fishman Pirate along with Fisher Tiger, who freed slaves at Marijoa. Arlong passes his hatred on to Hody, despite Fisher Tiger’s desperate pleas to forgive humans and work toward peace. Hody’s generational racism and hate toward humans is a perfect example of hate breeding hate, and the evil it brings.
How Do Pirates Reach Fishman Island?

There are two ways to reach Fishman Island, alive at least. The easiest is to have a submersible capable of going deep enough. Law and his Heart Pirates ship the Polar Tang could easily make the journey to and from Fishman Island. Otherwise, sailors can have their ships given a special resin coating that expands over their ships. This creates a massive bubble that keeps everyone inside dry while still allowing them to sail along the currents to Fishman Island.
That’s not to say it’s an easy journey from there. All kinds of massive sea beasts roam the Deep Currents, and won’t hesitate to destroy ships. The Straw Hats barely make it out, even then it’s only thanks to Luffy being dumb enough to tame a Kraken. Meanwhile, Fishmen and Mermaids can just swim in and out freely.
The Ryugyu Kingdom

Royal family of Fishman Island, the Ryugyu line goes back to the Void Century when Joyboy left the boat Noah there. Currently, King Neptune is the ruler, with Prince Fukaboshi as the next in line. Princess Shirahoshi, meanwhile, holds the power of the Ancient Weapon Poseidon. She’s been locked up for years since her mother’s death at the hands of Hody Jones thanks to the harassment of Vander Decken. As usual, Luffy shows up and changes everything for the family, as he breaks Shirahoshi out to see the sights.
It’s Prince Fukaboshi that hears Hody Jones’ chilling declaration when asked what humans did to him. Turns out, Hody has no conviction behind his hatred, never even talking to a human except to hurt them. He hates them for no reason other than inherited hate. The Ryugyu Kingdom, after Hody’s defeat, makes it a new mission to bring back the dreams of Queen Otohime. Now, they work toward Fishman equality with those on the surface, doing their best to fight for everyone.
Joyboy’s Promise

Things surrounding the Void Century are still a little murky. That said, the Poneglyph at the Sea Forest on Fishman Island is a letter from Joyboy to the Fishmen, regarding that time. The summation of it is an apology from Joyboy, saying sorry for not fulfilling his promise. He swears to them that he’ll fulfill that promise one day, with Poseidon and Noah bringing the Fishmen to a finally equal standing on the seas.
Luffy will finally fulfill his promise, saving Noah and all of Fishman Island once already from Hody Jones. Now, he’s on his way to Laughtale, and with it barreling toward the confrontation that will bring them up. Expect a big show during the final confrontation, with the Fishmen likely joining the Straw Hat Fleet.
Why Do Humans Hate Fishmen?

One Piece has had socio-political themes throughout the series, but the second half really goes all in with Fishman Island. Humans on the surface live in fear of Fishmen, believing them all to be savage monsters stronger than any human. While they are much stronger, and can breathe underwater, Fishmen are just the same as regular humans. Even in how they think, feel, and act. However, it’s unbelievably easy to stoke hatred for those others, especially when not many people interact with the Fishmen. It’s no surprise that most keep to themselves on Fishman Island rather than going to the surface with humans though.
The Celestial Dragons atop the Red Line, in Sacred Marijoa, are the most despicable, bitchy characters in One Piece. They take a special interest in the Fishmen and especially mermaids, frequently buying them on the slave market. Regular Fishmen often work hard labor, like Fisher Tiger, but mermaids suffer a worse fate. They’re put on display in small glass tanks barely big enough to move in, kept as pets to the Celestial Dragons until they die. Saint Charlos tries to buy Camie for this purpose when the Straw Hat Pirates first hit Sabaody Archipelago. Not enough of a blockhead already, he even tries to kidnap Shirahoshi in front of her family at the Reverie.
The Future of Fishman Island

Kidnapping a princess at an international peace council is a major party foul, not that Celestial Dragons care. Charlos even says that they can pay enough to make problems go away, even with royalty. Thankfully a few Straw Hat Fleet members are in attendance, along with Vivi and the Dressrosa Royal Family. They barely have to step in before none other than Donquixote Myosgard appears. His ship, sunken years ago, crashed on Fishman Island where he immediately started threatening those that tried to help. Despite all this, Queen Otohime extends hospitality to him, and it changes Myosgard immensely.
Now, Myosgard is dead for defending the mermaid Princess from Charlos, executed for going against the “natural order” by helping the Fishmen. Neptune and his family have already fled back to Fishman Island, but this undoubtedly will lead to a newfound will to take down the World Government. They’re already considered a territory of the Emperor Straw Hat Luffy, and it wouldn’t be surprising to see the Straw Hat Jolly Roger flying from the mast of Noah in the future.
Fishman Island has seen a lot of trouble over the years in One Piece, but just as much joy when things go great. Now, Luffy is going to bring about the promise that Joyboy made them eight hundred years ago, and they’ll soon return to the surface. Fishman Island isn’t going to be just another stop the Straw Hats make, but a major feature of the world to come under Pirate King Luffy.