The Final Saga of One Piece is well underway in the manga and about to get started in the anime, and there are a LOT of still alive. From pirates and Marines to Revolutionaries, everyone is roaming the New World in search of the One Piece or otherwise. So, with so many characters it gets a little hard to keep track. Here’s where every One Piece character still alive going into the Final Saga.
Warning that this contains spoilers for the manga and anime of One Piece. Spoilers for the anime through the Wano arc are going to be abundant, but past that will only be vaguely glossed over since manga events are way ahead. The anime is available online from Crunchyroll while the manga is online through Viz and MangaPlus. Catch up before reading on!
Monkey D Luffy

After his massive battle in Wano and new ability to achieve Devil Fruit Awakening, Luffy is on top of the world. He’s now an Emperor of the Sea officially. Meaning his crew can do almost anything in the New World. All while the World Government has to debate if an international incident looks good. Luffy doesn’t care though, as he’s just happy to have been able to help. Now his friends in Wano are safe, so he continues the journey toward the One Piece.
Though he’s discovered a massive new power, it’s now a matter of learning how to use it. Gear Fifth is going to take some time for Luffy to get used to. Especially as it takes a huge toll on him when he leaves the Awakening state. Even still, Luffy is only just starting to learn the way that his Devil Fruit really works. Alongside his newfound responsibility as Joyboy. The Final Saga is the huge home stretch for Luffy, and he’s getting ready to take it on headfirst.
Roronoa Zoro

The Straw Hat First Mate is one of the strongest in the world now. To prove it, he faces down Death itself during the Onigashima Raid. He’s finally found his own fighting style, too. Now his signature three-sword style is the far more powerful King of Hell fighting style. This imbues his Conqueror Haki and Armament Haki into all three swords. In turn, making them capable of cutting through anything that they meet. After his brush with death, Zoro is even more ready to take on whatever is next and challenge himself further.
He’s still grappling with his new sword though, and Enma will easily drain him of Haki if given the chance. There’s a high likelihood he’s going to come up against Hawkeye Mihawk in the next couple of arcs. Although it remains to be seen if they’ll fight. The duel is at hand though, and World’s Greatest Swordsman is a title well within Zoro’s grasp.
Vinsmoke Sanji

Poor Sanji has been through the damn ringer in the recent arcs. Especially from having Zeff’s life on the line to his memory wiped by his wife. He’s done a lot of growing though, and using the Raid Suit during Onigashima finally unlocks his full Germa Tech. The innate abilities that were suppressed since birth are now at his call. Instead of a machine of war, he’s going to use them to make Luffy the Pirate King. There are no lengths Sanji won’t go for his crew, and he only reinforces that resolve when fighting Queen.
Sanji is ever closer to his dream of finding the All Blue as well. The Straw Hats are nearing a confrontation with the Gorosei at a rapid pace. There’s a lot for him still to accomplish though. Now it’s doubtful that his family is done with the overall plot yet either.

By far one of the most improved Straw Hats when it comes to her prowess in a fight, Nami did a lot of the leg work at Onigashima. She’s definitely not sure of what Luffy’s new powers are, but she has an upgrade of her own now thanks to Zeus fusing with her Climate Baton. Nami hasn’t just grown as a fighter though, but also as a person. She’s seemingly starting to move past her love of money, and hasn’t worried about treasure in the post-Wano arc wind-down.
Nami is definitely coming into her own as someone who cares about things beyond herself. She takes care of Otama and Momo. She’s starting to look after the other crew members more closely after their recent brushes with danger.
Nico Robin

Robin is just the best character development One Piece has given throughout the story. She starts as a tortured, closed-off person, and finally by the time Wano’s arc hits stride she’s done a complete one-eighty turn. It’s all thanks to Luffy and the other Straw Hats, and now it’s time for her to follow them further on to Egghead Island. Robin will get some spotlight in the next arc when the Straw Hats meet someone else studying the Void Century.
She also knows that the Ancient Weapon Uranus exists somewhere in Wano, as imparted by Tengen. This is probably going to play in later. The time for the Ancient Weapons is drawing closer and closer with each arc.
Tony Tony Chopper

Fans are speculating now that Chopper could be in for a major power-up in the next arc. He did get a great chance to shine in Wano. He was able to cure not only their own troops but the Beast Pirates as well after Queen’s virus. That said, Chopper still isn’t quite up to the strength level of other Straw Hat Pirates. While he’s made great strides, Monster Point just isn’t going to do what it used to when he first uses it at Enies Lobby.
That said, there’s a likelihood his Devil Fruit could have some sort of Awakening like Luffy’s does. What that Awakening may be is anyone’s guess, but it would for sure combine the brains of Chopper with the most strength he can get from his forms.

There are a lot of things that are going to make Franky incredibly happy when the Straw Hats reach Egghead Island. He’s already based a lot of his weapons, including the Mecha-Franky, on Vegapunk’s existing designs. Wait until he sees the full-size mecha that are in store on Egghead. Even more, Franky is still looking for ways to upgrade the Thousand Sunny. He keeps her going, always making sure she’s up to date. Bets are that’s going to be an important character in the final saga.

Much like Zoro embraces his King of Hell title for swordsmanship, Brook takes on his mantle of Soul King. He learned how to completely freeze people in place while allowing his soul to roam, totally free of his body. Brook is even closer to finding Laboon again than ever too. They just have to cross the Red Line after Laughtale to enter Reverse Mountain. His resolve is better than ever, and he’s pushing to get Luffy the Pirate King title.

Finally a sailing member of the Straw Hats after all this time! Jimbei is just getting into the insanity the crew entails. He’s definitely ready to take off with them and adventure after Wano. Egghead Island is going to be the first stop where he sees just how much chaos that creates. The Straw Hats themselves are going to learn that Jimbei was a Warlord for a reason too. His strength is going to play into their further adventures big time along with his Fishman agility.
Even before joining the Straw Hat Pirates, Jimbei is a fierce warrior with his own crew. They may as well be members of the Straw Hat Fleet themselves by now. Especially seeing as how they defend them on their way out of Whole Cake Island.
Trafalgar D Water Law

The Surgeon of Death has had a real run recently with the Straw Hats. He sails alongside them from Punk Hazard to Onigashima. Hell, he even takes down an Emperor of the Sea in the process. Law and Eustass Kid team to take down Big Mom. When they split off after the Wano arc, Law makes it clear that he has a new goal in mind. Especially now that his alliance plan is done.
He means to sail for the One Piece himself. Law brings along the three Road Poneglyphs he gets from the Straw Hats after they defeat Kaido. The Polar Tang sets off toward their next destination, but who knows what they may find there. Law’s Op-Op Fruit is going to make him one of the most important characters in the final saga though.
Eustass Kid

Captain of the Kid Pirates and holder of the Magnet-Magnet Fruit. Strong, but Kid is a little too headstrong for his own good. He and Killer wouldn’t be alive currently if not for the Straw Hats saving their asses. He now has three Road Poneglyphs and a Log Pose pointing at Elbaph. Unfortunately it’s probably going to be too much for Kid to handle. Especially if he goes in without taking any kind of precautions first… again.
Look, the first time he went to a new country known for their fighting prowess he lost an arm, so who knows what could happen next. Of course, Killer is with him because they’re inseparable best friends for life.
Jewelry Bonney

The Bonney Pirates Captain has been in and out of the story in small flashes for so long that it’s crazy to think it’s finally her time to shine. Bonney was last seen atop Marijoa during the Revery, trying to spy on the Celestial Dragons using Bartholomew Kuma as a slave. She’s there for some unspecified reason, but that will be a central point of the Egghead Island arc to come. The Straw Hats were really busy for the almost a month they were in Wano, and things have gone to hell in the outside world since then.
Bonney has a lot of backstory to fill in, and she has a huge part to play in the upcoming Egghead Island arc. Her powers are amazing, and she’s going to make herself a standout to fans alongside the Straw Hats much like Law did. When it comes to charracters that carry tons of potential in the final saga, Bonney is near the top.

The Fallen Monk Pirates captain is mostly MIA from the story throughout, outside of a few flashbacks. The last known location he was seen as a random island, where he ends up encountering Kaido who tries to kill himself. That’s definitely an eventful way to encounter an Emperor of the Sea, but it’s still not clear whether Urouge and his crew survive the run-in. Even before Kaido shows up, they’re all really, really banged up.
Urouge has to have a part in the final saga, as his Devil Fruit is way too broken to let go without some battle scenes. There’s also some swirling lore about a prophecy that Urouge follows, likely regarding Nika since the Sky People worship him. So, his path will definitely cross with Luffy’s sometime soon since the recent reveal of his Devil Fruit. In the final saga of One Piece, he’s a definite wildcard character.
Capone ‘Gang’ Bege

Bege has balls of steel and that’s saying something in One Piece because some characters literally have those. This guy was crazy enough to go on a full-on assault against Big Mom and her pirates. Though he may only escape thanks to the help of Straw Hat Luffy, he still manages to hold his own and distract Big Mom during the time it takes to escape. He and his crew manage to outrun the Emperor, leaving the massive cake behind for her, and flee from Whole Cake Island.
Most recently, Bege and his wife Chiffon reunite with Chiffon’s sister Lola, who the Straw Hats saved in Thriller Bark. They have a lovely reunion with their father Pound, and he finally gets to meet his grandson after all this time. It’s a surprisingly wholesome moment for the gangster character as he participates in Lola’s wedding to Gotti, bringing a little light in the dark.

The young Marine Captain is doing great things in the Navy, and is going to get even more action in Egghead Island arc. Though he hasn’t interacted with the Straw Hats yet, Koby has been busy during the time they’ve been in Wano. With his recent reveal in the anime as a part of the Marine’s covert Sword team, Koby is prime to take over as a major resistance to the current state of the Marines and Gorosei.
Koby has really been making strides in his development, especially with how he sees the Marines. They’re no longer some shining beacon of justice like he wants, and he’s determined to be the one to change that. it’s going to be an amazing end to his character arc if he ends up as Fleet Admiral by the end. Expect to see Koby become a main character of the final saga, much like he helped Luffy kick off his pirate career.

The big boss of the Marines now doesn’t seem to be having as good of a time as he hoped for. Taking orders from the Celestial Dragons isn’t living up to the justice he believes in, and he’s seeing them more for the whiny jerks they really are. There’s a prime event that’s going to throw the Reverie into chaos, and even after that, there’s going to be another surprise for Akainu to deal with. The man is really going to catch hell in the Egghead Island arc, and it’s not really undeserved.
That said, he does seem to be having an awakening when it comes to his views on the world. Akainu until now has believed in absolute justice, right and wrong with no middle ground. The dickishness of the Celestial Dragons really changes how that view will hold up for the Fleet Admiral though.

The former Admiral has had one of the biggest changes since the time skip of One Piece. His defection from the Marines after a battle for Fleet Admiral with Akainu was definitely unexpected, but there’s a new possibility to it now. With the reveal that Koby and Sword are the main force, as well as what their role actually is, means Kuzan could just be undercover.
Hopefully, that’s it, because otherwise, his jump to the Blackbeard Pirates is a strange choice. If he was going to fall in with any pirate crew after defecting from the Marines, it would either be the Straw Hats or his own, likely. There’s every possibility Kuzan has the pull to bring a few Marines with him to defect, but going solo and straight to the Blackbeard Pirates could be a Sword operation. Much like Corazon did years ago on his brother’s crew, Kuzan is likely just gathering information and awaiting a moment to act. In terms of characters that could go either way though, he’s pretty close to the top in the final saga.

Almost the only times that Kizaru shows up before is during the Paramount War Saga, While he initially appears at Sabaody and makes his presence as a badass immediately known, he doesn’t do much at Marineford. Until now Kizaru’s motivations and entire personality for the most part have been a mystery in the canon story. He’s going to be a major player in the Egghead Island Arc though, and get a really good fight in the process.
Kizaru has an interesting sense of duty compared to the other Admirals. Whereas Kuzan’s sense of justice is more flexible based on his own judgment, and Akainu’s is absolute good or evil, Kizaru is indifferent. He doesn’t care what the orders are, and believes he’s just another cog, which makes him even more dangerous in Egghead.

Definitely, the one that took the toll at Marineford the hardest, Sengoku knew he was leading hundreds to their deaths. Especially after his own history with Sword, as Corazon was his adoptive son who died in another Marine operation to take down an infamous pirate. While he’s no longer the Fleet Admiral making calls, he’s still around in a mentorship role much like Garp is. Now he spends more time just hanging around Navy HQ, and he’s likely having more thoughts about how the Celestial Dragons are handling things now that he’s not taking direct orders.

The blind swordsman is out and about roaming the Grand Line, still in exile after his part in the Dressrosan Revolution. He doesn’t know what the Straw Hats are necessarily going for, but since joining the Marines through the draft after Marineford, he knows that something isn’t right. While he was last seen told that he was not allowed to enter any sort of Navy base until he captures Straw Hat Luffy, Fujitora isn’t one that really plays by the orders given.
His grey area when it comes to justice is definitely a replacement for Kuzan in the balance of the Admirals, as Greenbull is for Akainu. Fujitora knows Luffy has people’s best interests in mind, and it’s just a question of how far he’s willing to go to help them against the Celestial Dragons. Fujitora’s sense of morality makes him a likely character to switch sides at some point in the final saga.

God, Smoker has been missing from the story for so long that it feels like he barely exists anymore. The former Captain and now Vice-Admiral is one of the oldest Straw Hat rivals in the Marines, and he’s been after them since the East Blue. He’s seen more times than anyone that the Straw Hats are the ones who actually help people, meanwhile Warlords, or even Marines get by with terrible crimes unchecked. It only hurt his pride even more to be made out as the hero in all of it instead of Straw Hat.
Smoker and Tashigi have been traveling with the children from Punk Hazard since the end of that arc. They haven’t been able to shrink them back down to size yet, but the Marines are doing good in reuniting them with their families and curing them of the lasting drug effects. Even Smoker, in his own gruff way, is talking to the kids. If any character deserves a bigger part in the final saga, it has to be Smoker.
Monkey D Dragon

The infinite amount of mystery that surrounds Dragon is hopefully going to clear soon. Luffy’s father and founder of the Revolutionaries, he’s only shown himself so far as a rescuer to others and a soft-spoken man otherwise. It’s honestly kind of amazing that someone this calm and collected manages to come from Garp and contribute to Luffy’s creation.
The Revolutionaries are only beginning to make themselves known across the Grand Line though. After leading raids on everything from Tequila Wolf to the Dressrosan black market ports, they have something big up their sleeve for Egghead Island. Dragon still remains one of One Piece’s more enigmatic characters, but more should come out in the final saga.

If there’s one character that’s going to get one of the coldest, most badass moments that One Piece has ever put to paper in history, it’s Sabo. Egghead Island arc takes a little detour from the Straw Hats about midway to show what he’s up to in Wano, since he hasn’t been seen since Dressrosa. Unfortunately, Burgess led the Blackbeard Pirates after him and destroyed the Revolutionaries’ old base, but they’re in Newkama Land now so all safe.
Sabo has been doing a lot during the time of the Wano arc though, and his little side story is going to be a highlight when it hits the anime. He’s had a lot of growth in his Flame-Flame Fruit powers since leaving Dressrosa, and things are going to get insane when he shows up. Sabo is going to take his place right alongside his brother as a main character of the final saga.
Emporio Ivankov

Another co-founder of the Revolutionary Army, Iva is enjoying some time out of prison since leaving Impel Down. Of course, Kamabakka Queendom is currently also hosting the Revolutionaries, so he brings work home with him. He’s doing great things though, and has been furthering the Revolutionary cause from there since his breakout from Impel Down two years ago. Iva has a lot ahead of him as the co-head of the Revolutionaries, and he’s going to need all the help he can get.
Silvers Rayleigh

The First Mate of the Roger Pirates has been a central figure since the Sabaody Archipelago, helping to train Luffy during the time skip. He becomes a beloved mentor, as well as a conniving old gambler who would likely get along well with Fujitora. Rayleigh was last seen on Amazon Lily, helping the Kuja Pirates to defend their homeland against the Blackbeard Pirates. There’s going to be a lot more of that to come, as the dissolution of the Warlords leaves a lot of people high and dry.
Rayleigh already knows the secret of the One Piece, and could be a vital help in getting the last Poneglyph that the Straw Hats need. It’s unlikely Luffy would want to ask for that though, but Hancock and Rayleigh will probably sail their way sometime soon. There at least needs to be a reunion between Shanks and his old mentor at some point.
Boa Hancock

Boa Hancock is back on Amazon Lily, using her position as ruler to do whatever possible to prepare for what’s to come. She knows thanks to Shakky and Rayleigh that things are about to get much more serious, and Luffy is one of the ones she’ll gladly die to protect if she needs to. Hancock also has one of the strongest Devil Fruits with the Love-Love Fruit, and Blackbeard’s crew are probably going to be after her pretty hard as they ramp up gathering their Devil Fruits.
While she may not incite anything on her own, there’s no doubt Hancock will be there in the final saga as support. She’ll lead the Kuja Pirates in the Straw Hat Fleet at the drop of a straw hat, and be there for her sworn love immediately. Wait until she meets what Egghead Island has in store for her and the other Warlords…
Bartholomew Kuma

The Warlord and so-called Tyrant Kuma was last seen completely turned into a Pacifista, wandering off after the time skip. He accomplishes his mission of saving the Thousand Sunny for the Straw Hats, but limps off beaten and torn toward who knows where. Then not long into the Reverie arc, he makes his way back to the story, as the Celestial Dragons hold him as a rental slave for whenever they want to destroy something. The poor man has spears and knives sticking out of him, with broken bones all over underneath the bruises.
Kuma has a slight hope though, because Jewelry Bonney saw him and looked ready to make a rescue. Everything has been a hellish nightmare for Kuma the past few years, and he no longer may even be in there, but it’s worth a try. If anything, he’s a co-founder of the Revolutionaries and deserves at least a dignified death by his fellow freedom fighters. Kuma deserves a great ending though, considering the character has been one of the best in the final saga.

One of the primary designers of the Pacifista along with Vegapunk, Sentomaru isn’t quite up to his mentor’s level. He has a will to succeed and impress the old man though, and it’s really admirable how hard he’s willing to fight to prove himself. During the time after Marineford, he managed to perfect the MK2 Pacifistas, but those are going to be quickly outpaced by something even more deadly than the World Government-made Vegapunk design.
As Vegapunk’s primary assistant, Sentomaru is going to get a good workup in the Egghead Island arc. There’s a surprising amount of depth behind the character, and finding out his backstory is probably one of the more poignant parts of an otherwise action-filled arc.
Marshall D ‘Blackbeard’ Teach

Blackbeard is the terror of the seas right now as one of the Four Emperors of the Sea. He’s been at it ever since the death of Whitebeard, and Teach is making sure to leave a legacy of terror and chaos wherever he goes. Shanks has been slowly trying to take Whitebeard’s old territory back from him to free the people there, but progress is slow. Teach has set up his base on Fullalead Island, where he’s been gathering infamous pirates since the Impel Down breakout.
He’s perfected the Devil Fruit theft method that he uses against Whitebeard, now allowing his crew to collect Devil Fruits as well. This was most recently shown when Gecko Moria washes up on Fullalead, only to find that Absalom is dead and his Fruit now belongs to Shiryu of the Rain.
Marco the Phoenix

The First Division Commander of the Whitebeard Pirates has been a steadfast ally to the Straw Hats since his own crew’s dissolution. He fights with them at Onigashima, playing a major role in keeping Zoro and a few others alive with his phoenix flames. That said, he’s still a great help on the battlefield but excels at medical backup, and helps Chopper a ton in the wake of the battle with all the injuries. Marco after the Wano raid takes off once more, heading back to Whitebeard’s little home village where he lives as a small-time doctor.
He’s going to be on call for the Straw Hat Fleet after Onigashima without a doubt. Marco himself is far too invested in Luffy after being a brother of Ace’s in Whitebeard’s crew for so long. There’s no way he doesn’t show up with blue flames blazing, flying over the Straw Hat Fleet in a final battle against Blackbeard or the Gorosei. He’ll be a great support character for the Straw Hats during the final saga.

The strongest of Big Mom’s sons is now also the defacto leader of the Big Mom Pirates after her seeming death. Not that it’s a confirmed death, but she was pushed all the way down to a lava pit that looks a lot like hell, so that sort of speaks for itself. Katakuri is a friend to the Straw Hats after his and Luffy’s fight though, if it may be on rather rocky terms. Katakuri knew well that his mother was a tyrant though, and served her out of a child’s love, but now that she’s gone he’s free to follow his own arrow.
The power of Katakuri and the various Big Mom Pirates is going to be a HUGE addition to help the Straw Hats in the final battle. Last seen, Katakuri was healing in Whole Cake Island after his defeat by Luffy, but he’s probably back to one hundred percent by now considering how quickly everyone in Wano just recovered. Katakuri will definitely be a new supporting character for the Straw Hats in the final saga.

The former ‘Hyena’ and underling of Donquixote Doflamingo, Bellamy has finally called it quits on the pirate life. Instead, he’s retired and moved to learn how to dye fabric, a modest occupation that leads to him helping Luffy in his own way. Bellamy is still a strong fighter, and even Luffy has a little trouble with him in Dressrosa, so there’s every likelihood he will fight alongside them again. Until then though, he has another big task.
Making Straw Hat flags for everyone in the Straw Hat Fleet. Orlumbus alone has over ten thousand ships, so Bellamy is going to have to churn out a lot of flags in a very short amount of time. Not to mention all the flags Barto will go through, because he’ll probably require one for everyone on his crew to wear like a cape in the final battle. Bellamy will be there to make them though, taking a step back from antagonist to support character for the final saga.

The Five Elders of the Celestial Dragons are the ones to fear until the introduction of a higher power. These five each specialize in some different aspect of keeping the world running, but as things are about to heat up at the Reverie they’re going to unveil some absolutely terrifying powers. It’s going to make a lot more sense why they’re the most powerful characters above the earth, and it’s almost scary how much of a threat they are in the final saga..
Saint Jay Garcia Saturn in particular will play into the Egghead Island arc. When the Straw Hats cause a massive incident he arrives with much of the Marines, but hangs back. There are a lot of surprises in store for the Straw Hats, and the Gorosei are about to get very serious about stopping their journey in its tracks. Expect one Gorosei to be a central antagonist character for each future arc of the final saga.

The one above all that the Gorosei even bow down to. Imu is the ultimate enemy in One Piece, even higher than Teach, and has likely been around since the Void Century. When the Wano arc ends they’re just beginning to find out about Luffy’s role as Joyboy, and recalling memories from a distant past about who Joyboy was before all this. Imu is unmistakably evil though, and there are going to be a lot of horrible things committed by them before the Egghead Island arc even hits a mid-point.
Then comes the history of Imu, who is hinted to be as old as the Void Century itself. What in the world do they know, and why do they want to keep everything how it is? They seem to only stay atop Marijoa locked away, so what’s the point of keeping the entire world in their hand in the meantime? This is a major character of the final saga, and everyone is just waiting for any little hints about Imu’s true nature.

The massive elephant that carries Zou on its back has been walking since the Void Century. At one time it was an ally of Joyboy, helping him in his crusade against the World Government and Imu’s forces. Unfortunately for them, Joyboy was defeated, and Zunesha was then cursed to wander the seas for eternity. The elephant is massive, and holding a country on his back is just the beginning of how cool Zunesha is. He’s returned to the sea for now to keep Zou hidden, but he has a huge role to play.
The borders of Wano can only be opened by Zunesha on Momonosuke’s orders. Whether that means that Zunesha crushes the sheer cliff face of Wano and unearths the hidden city is a whole other question though. There are plenty of mysteries hidden throughout Wano, and opening the borders very well may uncover Uranus in the process.

She was once the favored candidate to become the tenth Straw Hat crew member, which would have been really cool. Unfortunately, Carrot is needed more on Zou now as Cat Viper and Dogstrom both decide to live out their old age helping the people of Wano recover. Now, they’ve left Carrot in charge as the chief of Zou in their absence, and she has some really big shoes to fill.
She’s going to nail it though, as she was an instrumental part of getting the Straw Hats away from Whole Cake Island and shows great leadership skills in Onigashima. Carrot is going to make a steadfast ally to the Straw Hats, they just have to make a Straw Hat Flag big enough to see from Zunesha’s back. Her character was thought to be a future Straw Hat, but she’ll make her own mark in the final saga instead.

One of the proudest members of the Straw Hat Fleet and self-proclaimed number one fan of Straw Hat Luffy, Bartolomeo the Cannibal. He’s not the brightest crayon in the box, but he is an asshole and uses that in his favor during any encounter he gets in. Bartolomeo is stupidly devoted to Luffy, as well as incredibly stupid on a basic knowledge level, which explains why he loves Luffy so much, to be honest.
Last seen running around Shanks territory, Barto has been making a headache for the Red Hair Pirate by taking down his flags throughout the land. Instead, he’s placing Straw Hat flags up. Shanks is amused, but that amusement may not last much longer depending on how Bartolomeo keeps going. He tends to overdo things when he’s excited, and it’s starting to look like the tipping point is approaching where he finds out a lesson about respect.

On the opposite end of the spectrum from Bartolomeo is Cavendish, leader of the Beautiful Pirates. He’s much smarter, and not nearly as likely to cause trouble as his green-haired Fleet buddy. Cavendish was last seen sailing the seas around Dressrosa, making his name known as a member of the Straw Hat fleet while also keeping his sleep paralysis demon at bay.
Various Straw Hat Fleet

Other Straw Hat Fleet members are all over the Grand Line. The Tontatta Pirates were last seen leaving the Reverie to return to Dressrosa, alongside the Happo Navy. Captain Orlumbus is exploring, and the others are coming up against various odds and ends like Ideo and Blue Gilly’s crew. The Straw Hat Fleet is bound to grow by quite a few numbers in the final saga, so there’s never going to be a member far from the core crew if help is ever necessary.

Now the oldest Emperor of the Sea in tenure. Shanks is finally ready to make his way for the treasure he’s been after so long. He misses out on his first chance to find Laughtale thanks to Buggy. Now there’s no way he’s going to let the opportunity pass him by again. He needs to speed up now that Luffy is finally caught up to him in the title. Still, it’s about time that Shanks gets serious about the things he’s going to do.
While he’s had a lot to do in the last few arcs behind the scenes, like a meeting with the Gorosei over the state of the New World, he’s still being mysterious. He does have a home base set up on Elbaph, the island of Giants, and Eustass Kid is heading there since he won the log pose drawing. It may have been better off if Luffy went to Elbaph after all, seeing as Kid has a history of taking a big L against Emperors without help. Whatever Shanks is planning though, he’s the most mysterious character entering the Final Saga.

The old doctor of the Roger Pirates and now lighthouse keeper at Reverse Mountain. Crocus and Laboon are simply waiting out their time, occasionally welcoming new travelers that arrive through Reverse Mountain while keeping an eye on the news outside. Laboon of course knows by now that Brook is alive, as Crocus has no doubt put two and two together from bounties and news, but it’s still going to be a treat to see that reunion. Crocus has also had some more flashbacks in Roger’s part of the story lately, and will probably be the one to expound on his terminal illness later in the story if it happens.
Big News Morgans

The TMZ of the New World never rests. Big News Morgans is always on the hunt for more hot gossip. The last he was seen was at the Tea Party from Hell. in Whole Cake Island. He was just one of the many taken by surprise. Morgans didn’t let the moment slip by, though. He takes it straight to the presses to declare Luffy the unofficial Fifth Emperor of the Sea. That’s not even the best part, as he purposefully messes with some bounty posters alongside Stussy for Luffy’s newest picture. When it comes to a character that could appear anywhere in the final saga, Big News Morgans is guaranteed to be the first on the scene.
Morgans has a relatively minor part in Egghead Island that will probably play into a bigger role later. The newsman is actually a human despite his appearance, and has eaten the Bird-Bird Fruit, Model: Albatross. He’s going to be an interesting character to watch. His headlines won’t always play in the Straw Hats favor like it has before. After all, what’s a reporter without a juicy story?
Nefertari Vivi

The daughter of Nefertari Cobra and an honorary Straw Hat Pirate, Vivi is the link between pirate and royalty. This is going to be one of the crucial bonds that helps to bring an end to the World Government. Vivi has a massive role in the Final Saga that begins at the Egghead Island arc. Vivi is going to be a major character in the final saga to come. Plus she has a much bigger part to play in the entire scope of the Grand Line besides just Arabasta.
While she’s been with the Straw Hats previously, there are a lot of changes. Many she’s going to be surprised by when she joins back up with them. Namely the new members they’ve added since her absence. Then the fact that she’s waiting at the Reverie as things are about to go off like a powder keg. She’s right in the middle, and there’s going to be very few places to go when things light up.

The Mermaid Princess has had one of the roughest goes of things in the Reverie and beyond. The Celestial Dragons attempt to take her as one of their slaves. It’s only thanks to intervention by Vivi and the other Celestial Dragon Donquixote Myosgard that she’s safe now. Shirahoshi toughs it out for as long as she can. Some protections are put in place for the Fishmen while they’re in Marijoa. Even then, it won’t lead to them staying for long.
Shirahoshi is a pivotal character of the final saga set up all the way back to Fishman Island. She is actually the Ancient Weapon Poseidon, who can speak to Sea Kings and command them to do her bidding. It’s going to be a major part of the use of Noah to bring the Fishmen to the surface. Luffy also still has a promise to fulfill, saying he’ll take Shirahoshi above ground to see a real forest. Considering her massive power as the character holding Poseidon, she’ll be a much greater part of the final saga.

Yeah, he’s a long shot to come back, there are worse characters that could be in the final saga though.. But nobody knows what Oda is cooking up at all times of the story. Arlong hasn’t been seen in the story since flashbacks on Fishman Island. Chronologically, even before that since defeat at Arlong Park. It does seem he’s finally put away after Luffy takes him down, not out to terrorize the seas anymore. Surprising, despite how much the World Government is crumbling right now. Arlong always has the potential to come back though.
His last known location was in a prison somewhere in the East Blue. Surprisingly, he didn’t have the infamy to make it into Impel Down quite yet. When things go down, all four seas will need to converge on the Grand Line. So there’s still time to see if Arlong may play a part yet.
Gecko Moria

The former Warlord and Master of Shadows, Gecko Moria is a force to be reckoned with. Unfortunately for him, the Straw Hats bring an end to most of his reckoning. Still he takes a lot of heavy losses immediately after that. Doflamingo almost kills him after the battle at Marineford, and he is barely lucky enough to survive that unscathed. Now his last known location is even worse. He manages to make it to Fullalead in search of Absalom after he leaves.
Unfortunately for Moria when he gets there, Absalom is already dead and the Blackbeard Pirates already have his Devil Fruit. Sanji is definitely going to be mad, but Moria is in trouble as the Blackbeard Pirates take him prisoner. The fate character currently is unknown for the final saga. By now, he’s either been killed for his Fruit or sworn loyalty to Blackbeard..
Buggy the Clown

The Genius Jester is in one of the most favorable positions of his life now. Even considering that the Warlord system is done for. He takes over the spot of Emperor when Big Mom falls. Buggy is one of the three founding members of the new Cross Guild. Alongside Mihawk and Crocodile, Buggy leads a fleet of mercenaries. All of whom are deeply in love with him, despite the disapproval of his co-founders. Now though, Buggy has even bigger ideas in mind for his future. To do it, he is going to use every advantage he has to get it.
He makes the announcement for them. Now they’ll be chasing after the One Piece, just like Gold Roger did as his captain. Of course, it was Buggy’s fault that they missed out on seeing the One Piece all those years ago. Now he means to claim the King of the Pirates mantle for himself and live up to Roger. If Shanks doesn’t beat him there first of course. Buggy is always good at taking credit for things he doesn’t do.
Sir Crocodile

The first Warlord of the Sea deposed by the Straw Hat Pirates. He’s also turning into one of Luffy’s better allies. Crocodile gave his all to save Luffy in Marineford when all looked hopeless. Even keeping him alive even after Ace and Whitebeard’s death. So now founding Cross-Guild with the intent of keeping an eye on Luffy and following his journey is interesting. When last seen, Croc was sailing along with Cross Guild, waiting for the New World to catch fire as the Straw Hats were leaving Wano. His character is meticulous and calculating, so he definitely has plans for his own benefit in the final saga.
He still has a huge role to play, and it’s unlikely that it’s going to not involve Luffy. There’s always the Croco-Mom theory that won’t stop floating around too. More than likely though, he’s going to become just another of the Straw Hat Grand Fleet member. One who stares down the World Government alongside Luffy and the others. Crocodile has been a solid ally since Marineford. He definitely thinks Luffy can help bring the Utopia he’s wanted for so long.
Dracule ‘Hawkeye’ Mihawk

The Greatest Swordsman on Earth isn’t just resting on his laurels as the New World devolves into chaos. He tags along with Cross-Guild out of boredom. Probably since he can’t stay at the Muggy Kingdom anymore without Marines bothering him like door-to-door salesmen. So, Mihawk takes to the seas as a pirate once again alongside Croc and Buggy. Though he has significantly less tolerance for Buggy’s idiocy than Croc does.
Mihawk still has a huge battle to go, and a major fight against Zoro in the future. His odds of making it to the very end against the World Government might be slim. Mihawk is going to find a very challenging ally coming up in Egghead Island. He’s also going to find out how much he really despises Buggy, which is a lot more than previously thought. The final saga is going to see some character deaths too, and Mihawk is pretty high on the predictions list.
That’s a (mostly) comprehensive list of every major One Piece character before the Final Saga! If there are any missing, we’ll add them on as they appear or if anyone comes back in a big way. So, keep reading One Piece as the Final Saga gets into gear, and keep an eye on the anime as new characters begin to take the stage!