While Sabo was formerly known as the Revolutionaries Chief of Staff, he’s earned the name of Flame Emperor lately. After saving thousands at Dressrosa alongside his brother, Sabo has only gone to make a greater name for himself throughout the New World. So, who is this Revolutionary with the Flame-Flame Fruit, and how is he Luffy’s brother?!
BIG SPOILER WARNING! This article will go into the Egghead Island arc currently ongoing in the manga. To read the newest chapters, check out Mangaplus or Viz online. One Piece is also available in paperback format at your local bookstore. That’s the only warning, so proceed with caution!
Who is Sabo?

Sabo in his first introduction is the second brother to Monkey D Luffy. He and Ace grow up together in Grey Terminal, coming from opposite sides of the island. While Ace and Luffy live at Dadan’s from the start, Sabo is the oldest son of a noble family for the kingdom their island is on. Said family is desperately trying to become Celestial Dragons, and come slightly close when they adopt another son. This asshole ends up as Goa Kingdom’s king thanks to a marriage to the princess and the convenient death of the king. Stelly really is the worst brother in One Piece, including the Vinsmoke brothers.
When Sabo reappears after the time skip, he’s a refined fighter impeccably dressed in a suit and top hat. He still uses the same pipe to fight with that he used to, and now has a special Dragon Claw technique. It’s a special fighting style, assumably taught to him by Dragon the Revolutionary. Sabo is a fighter for justice all around, and is devoted to the cause of bringing down the World Government.

When Sabo is just a child in the Goa Kingdom, he starts out running away from home to hang out with Ace before moving into Dadan’s with them. His parents don’t really notice in the first place since they’re busy with Stelly, but when Sir Charlos comes for a visit everything goes to hell and his family suddenly brings him back. The three brothers have shared a bond stronger than any blood could give, so Ace and Luffy won’t take it lightly.
While Sabo was distrustful of Luffy at first, his opinion changes after the situation where all of their money is stolen by a pirate. Despite being beaten down, Luffy doesn’t rat out their hiding spot, and earns his new brothers’ respect. When Sabo flees, he ends up taking the money because he feels he can’t stay in the Goa Kingdom any longer. He steals a ship, and on his way out is hit by Sir Charlos’ ship, blown out of the water while Grey Terminal burns behind them.
How Does Sabo Survive?

He wasn’t initially killed by the boat hit, but he did suffer a pretty nasty burn scar over his eye. Sabo ends up on a beach, near death from inhaling too much water, when Monkey D Dragon finds him. The Revolutionary brings Sabo back from the brink of death, but the child has amnesia about who he is. He only remembers his name is Sabo, and that’s it.
Dragon takes him in as his own son, and raises him as a Revolutionary. Why couldn’t he have done that for his own son though? That would be getting off track, but Sabo is Dragon’s top student in the art of espionage and combat. Even as far as mastering the Dragon Claw fighting style while also honing Observation and Armament Haki. Sabo becomes a fierce fighter, and an important Revolutionary on missions alongside Koala.
Sabo is Alive?!

By far the greatest surprise of the Dressrosa arc was that Sabo is still alive. It’s well done, with an emotional reveal to Luffy in the Dressrosa Coliseum, and Sabo explaining his situation as well as absence. His amnesia persisted until he read news of Ace’s death in the paper not long after Marineford. This suddenly breaks the floodgates of memory, and everything comes rushing back to Sabo. He remembers Luffy, Ace, their childhood, and his unfortunate “death” that led to his current position.
While it’s not his intention to meet Luffy in Dressrosa, it’s more of a right place, right time situation. Sabo goes to the Coliseum to check out the Flame-Flame Fruit prize, and Luffy is already competing. Just in time for Luffy to take off, needed by the other Straw Hats, help arrives. Sabo steps in to take over as the Lucy character Luffy made up.
Does Sabo Have Devil Fruit Powers?

Hell yeah, Sabo has Devil Fruit powers. He beats the crap out of everyone else in the tournament and steals the Flame-Flame Fruit from a Fighting Fish. He jumps by, eating the Fruit before Burgess can get near it. While eating, uses his newfound power to take out the Blackbeard Pirate. Sabo makes his way to his brother in Dressrosa, where they fight side by side to save the day. Continuing on with the Flame-Flame Fruit as a tribute to his dead brother, Sabo even masters the Fire Fist attack in Ace’s memory.
Now he’s made the Flame-Flame Fruit powers his own by combining them with his Dragon Claw style. It’s wildly effective, allowing Sabo to fight his way out of Marijoa despite the empowered Gorosei. He’s also learned to channel the fire through the metal pipe he wields as a weapon, making it a dangerously concentrated flamethrower.
Ace’s Will
Sabo ate the Devil Fruit partly for the powers, but mainly as a promise to carry on Ace’s will of protecting Luffy. He swears when he eats it that he’ll protect Luffy until he’s Pirate King, and will never lose a brother again. He’s keeping that promise well too, as the Revolutionaries have played a huge part in keeping the spotlight off the Straw Hats during most of the Wano arc. Sabo doesn’t just bring freedom as Ace wishes for everyone, but helps Luffy bring others freedom through his support.
The Flame Emperor

When he earns the Flame Emperor title it’s not for something Sabo necessarily does. While he’s responsible for multitudes of slaves freed from Marijoa, he’s framed as the murderer of Nefertari Cobra. The Gorosei obviously don’t want it getting out that they killed Cobra for his mention of the Void Century and Lili. So, pinning the death on Sabo as a Revolutionary is the easiest thing to do. Much better when they can say he’s taken Vivi captive for his own gain, too.
Still, it’s a title that invigorates revolution throughout the Grand Line and beyond. Six different Kingdoms undergo small revolutions throughout the time between Sabo’s Reverie exploits and his return to Newkama Land. Three are successful, one of which was Lulusia, unfortunately, wiped from the map. It gives Sabo just another reason to keep fighting the World Government.
What is Sabo Doing Now?

Sabo has a mission to fulfill with a promise to Cobra, which he intends to honor. The Nefertari family are bearers of the Will of D, and Vivi needs to meet up with Luffy. Sabo likely knows by now that Vivi is with Big News Morgans and Wapol. It isn’t a stretch to think that he could skip over to Morgans, grab Vivi, then make his way to Elbaph for a meeting with the Straw Hats. He probably needs a little rest first though, and Newkama Land is the place to rest and rejuvenate while Koala or Iva figure out the Straw hat’s whereabouts. Not that they’ve moved in secret lately…
Sabo will have a massive role to play in the upcoming final saga of One Piece. Teaming with Luffy is a guarantee, and they’ll likely take down the World Government in a combined force with the Straw Hat Fleet. Until then, Sabo continues to fight for freedom the world over from the New World, now with the title of Flame Emperor!