The closing battles of Wano winding down, so of course it’s time for One Piece to reveal some new information. The Navy started showing cracks under the regimented and disciplined veneer. One big player in the fight, SWORD, hasn’t been mentioned since Doflamingo’s backstory, and even then it was only mentioned regarding Corazon. Now X Drake and Koby are revealed as agents, so who is SWORD?
Simply put, SWORD is the Black Ops unit of One Piece’s Navy. Effectively, it’s a deep-cover mission of off-the-books Navy soldiers, with no discretion or rules. These agents can do everything from interfere and save countries, or destroy them if they deem fit. They’re allowed a moral jurisdiction rather than the absolute justice of the Celestial Dragons. Since Corazon’s death, more have been in operation. Only a few SWORD members are currently known, with some allies and more in mystery.
10. X Drake

- SWORD status: Confirmed Operative
- Power: Dragon-Dragon Fruit. Model: Allosaurus
- Allegiance: Unclear, but leans to Straw Hats.
X Drake, despite his status as a Supernova and Worst Generation, is a former Navy soldier. He was almost a big shot, already at Rear Admiral rank, so his power isn’t surprising. He was the one to reveal SWORD in the present day while undercover with the Beast Pirates. His Navy past was disgraced, but Drake doesn’t care as long as his mission is met. Previously he was intent on taking down Kaido and fought CP-Aigis 0 to help Luffy. Despite all that, he’s still a mysterious figure and his fate is currently unknown.
Zoans are one of the more ferocious types of Devil Fruit, especially the Mythical types. X Drake’s Dragon-Dragon Fruit was a no-brainer for the Beast Titans, allowing him to turn into an Allosaurus. He contributed a massive part of the damage to Onigashima, possibly dying in the process. His fate remains unknown.
9. Koby

- SWORD status: Confirmed Operative
- Power: Advanced Haki
- Allegiance: Whatever helps humanity
Koby has been by Luffy’s side longer than Zolo. Nobody could have guessed the dorky short kid that Luffy rescued from Alvida would turn into a legitimate hero of the Navy. Then again, when people tell Luffy their wish, it often comes true. Koby knew that Marineford became a bloody hellscape, and did his best to save everyone possible. Though nobody listened, Shanks stepped in and Commended the young Captain.
Koby’s Observation Haki is only near the level of Queen Otohime. He feels the emotions of others very intensely and will protect people at all costs, doing his best to not even kill opponents in a fight. He looks up to Garp and has been his apprentice for almost his entire career.
8. Helmeppo

- SWORD status: Confirmed Operative
- Power: Haki? Helmeppo never fights.
- Allegiance: Wherever Koby goes.
Helmeppo was the rich, whiny kid of Ax-Hand Morgans, a corrupt Navy General. While he was initially an enemy to Koby and Luffy, he turned things around with training from Garp. He’s pretty absent when it comes to fights, but is proficient in Observation Haki. Still hasn’t changed.
7. Kujaku

- SWORD Status: Confirmed
- Power: Whip-Whip Fruit
- Allegiance: Unclear
Still a mysterious figure, Kujaku is the granddaughter of former Vice-Admiral Tsuru. Mysterious, but her personality is loud and vicious. Her Whip-Whip Fruit can make anything she hits obey her, living or not.
6. Prince Grus

- SWORDStatus: Confirmed
- Power: Clay-Clay Fruit
- Allegiance: Himself
Grus has only been briefly seen in the manga, but from everything seen, he’s an asshole. Prince uses his unchecked power to make others cower and take what he wants. His Clay-Clay Fruit means he’s made of clay, but also able to construct clay dolls to do his bidding. He usually carries three guardian golems around with him.
5. Hibari

- SWORD status: Confirmed
- Power: Expert fighter.
- Allegiance: Loves Koby, and tries to do right.
Hibari debuts in the Egghead Island arc, but she makes it clear who she follows. Even though she works for the Navy, she fawns over Koby and will do anything to protect him. That even includes begging the other SWORD members to help rescue him from Blackbeard. She hasn’t done much fighting yet, but it’s sure to come in the next few arcs.
4. Smoker

- SWORD status: Unconfirmed but likely
- Power: Smoke-Smoke Fruit
- Allegiance: Navy, but respects the Straw Hats
Fans are begging at this point for Smoker to get some decent character development, so why not through SWORD? The Vice-Admiral has been absent since Punk Hazard when he was throttled by Vergo. Smokey deserves redemption, and Tashigi already knows of SWORD, so his inclusion is inevitable. At the least, he and Koby share the same goal of changing the Navy from the inside, just like Garp.
His Logia fruit powers will be interesting to see though, since there haven’t been any Awakenings in the story. The Smoke-Smoke Fruit made him nigh-invincible before Haki was gave it a nerf in the New World. Hopefully, he’s been training during his off time to get stronger, but his most important character aspect is his respect for Luffy. Smoker was witness at Alabasta to the Straw Hat’s heroics, and again at Punk Hazard. He knows they’re good people, and he’s about to have a massive moral conflict.
3. Fujitora

- SWORD status: Unknown, but currently exiled from the Navy.
- Power: Press-Press Fruit
- Allegiance: Moral Justice and Fate, wherever it lands him.
Fujitora is an enigma, not really because of his motivations, but because his methods are questionable. He mentions on a couple of occasions how he regrets blinding himself, but why did he do it in the first place? Despite his vision, he sees a lot thanks to Observation Haki, but he’s also wildly reckless at the same time.
His Press-Press Fruit gives control of gravity, and for some reason, he can summon meteors with that. It doesn’t correlate at all, but he almost destroys Dressrosa multiple times despite the best intentions. Fujitora, though reckless, does make sure to protect any innocents that may be in need.
2. Garp

- SWORD status: Former Operative
- Power: Throws cannonballs like a pro-baseball pitcher.
- Allegiance: Fights for those too weak to fight for themselves.
Monkey D Garp, Hero of God Valley, is technically a Vice-Admiral in name only. He already does whatever he wants, even visiting with Luffy after Alabasta so he and Koby could talk. He also let Akainu punch a tunnel big enough to fit a truck through Ace though, so his judgment isn’t always great. Ace’s death changed his outlook though, and was happy to hear from Shirohoshi that Luffy was a hero to the Fishmen.
As far as his power, Garp is a legend. He fought beside Gold Roger at the Battle of God Valley, taking down the Rocks Pirates. His son is Dragon the Revolutionary, but their bond is still unexplored. Otherwise, Garp is someone that takes his job of protecting the people very seriously and will actively try to destroy anything that attempts to hurt them.
1. Aokiji

- SWORD status: Unknown, but possible.
- Power: Chilly-Chilly Fruit.
- Allegiance: Wildcard, currently with Blackbeard.
This former Navy Admiral has been so undecipherable throughout the series nothing could surprise fans at this point. Aokiji helped Nico Robin escape Ohara let the Straw Hats go at Long Ring Long Land. His schism with Akainu led to permanently scarring Punk Hazard before defecting from the Navy. His status as Bleackbeard’s crew member now just keeps his alignment constantly spinning. Could he possibly be undercover as SWORD?
Aokiji’s Devil Fruit brings up more questions. He’s frozen characters before but allows them to live if they thaw slowly, like Nico Robin on Long Ring Long Land. It remains to be seen if he meant Jaguar D Saul to survive, but considering their friendship it’s very likely. Whatever way he ends up though, his strength and powers will be a critical addition to someone.
These are the only members so far that are either confirmed or likely. One Piece returns from a month-long break this week though! So, hopefully, with the new Future Island arc Eiichiro Oda will include some new information on the shadowy agency. Until then, the final episodes of Wano Arc in the One Piece anime are airing on Crunchyroll every Sunday!