Zoan is just one of the three different types of Devil Fruits in the world of One Piece. While the others grant powers like fire or magnetism, the Zoan Fruit offers transformation into animals. In some cases, it can even be mythical creatures! So, with so many ridiculous Zoans out there, some are obviously stronger than others. These are the best Zoan Type Devil Fruits seen so far in the world of One Piece!
Fair warning this article contains spoilers for One Piece through chapter 1090. The manga is available to read on MangaPlus and Viz in the United States. That’s it, catch up or read on with caution!
12. Ox-Ox Fruit, Model: Giraffe

- Current User: Kaku
Why it falls under the Ox-Ox Fruit, nobody knows, but the Model: Giraffe makes quite the impression. The hybrid beast form is something to see, with a massively long neck only made more ridiculous by Kaku’s nose. Despite that, the Cipher Pol 0 agent makes it work by swinging his neck like a weapon. Weird as it sounds, that’s how giraffes actually fight in real life, and it’s hardcore as hell.
Kaku makes his ridiculous Four Sword Style work in the hybrid form as well, pushing the Devil Fruit ability to its limits. It’s not enough to overcome the raw power of Roronoa Zoro’s Three-Sword Style, but it maintains him a spot as Cipher Pol 0’s second strongest.
11. Dog-Dog Fruit, Mythical Model: Nine-Tailed Fox

- Current User: Catarina Devon
This Mythical Zoan Fruit is an absolute menace. Not only does it give the user the form of the mythical nine-tailed fox, a Kitsune of Japanese folklore, but also its shapeshifting abilities. Catarina Devon of the Blackbeard Pirates currently holds this Fruit and uses it for deception of the highest order. She even goes so far as to deceive Gecko Moria, taking the form of Absalom to lure him closer before Shiryu attacks.
10. Cat-Cat Fruit, Model: Leopard

- Current User: Rob Lucci
There’s no list of Zoan Fruits without bringing out the first one to show them as a legitimate threat. Sure, Chopper, Pell, and a few others had already showed off the power of Zoans, but Lucci sealed the deal. Rob Lucci defeats Luffy in seconds without actually needing to use his hybrid form, much less full beast. When he finally does pull that full beast form out in Enies Lobby, Lucci goes so hard against Luffy that they destroy half the island.
He gets a much-deserved upgrade with a Devil Fruit Awakening in the recent Egghead Island arc too. His Awakening form keeps his hybrid beast features, but slims Lucci down to the lithe body of a real leopard. Lucci gets a significant boost to speed, strength, and maneuverability that makes him even more threatening even against Luffy’s Gear Fifth.
9. Snake-Snake Fruit, Mythical Model: Yamata-no-Orochi

- Current User: None. Formerly Kurozumi Orochi.
For being such a little bitch, Orochi really had a cool Mythical Zoan Fruit. Seriously, the dude turned into a dragon that just kept growing heads no matter how many times they were cut off. It fits, because the asshole just didn’t seem to die despite everyone desperately wishing for it. Still, the true power of the Devil Fruit might as well be wasted on Orochi, who’s too much of a sniveling coward to truly use it.
8. Dragon-Dragon Fruit, Model: Allosaurus

- Current User: X Drake
Nobody is quite sure that X Drake is still alive, but for now, he’s the one in charge of this Ancient Zoan-type Fruit. The Allosaurus Model gives Drake access to a half-beast form that makes him a formidable foe. The tough, leathery skin and sharp claws of his hybrid form are nothing compared to his full beast transformation though.
Drake grows massive, becoming a full-grown Allosaurus with all the size and ferocity to match. He’s able to stomp across the battlefield, crushing foes underfoot and between strong jaws. Between this transformation and his already formidable fighting abilities, it’s no wonder he’s a major player in SWORD.
7. Bug-Bug Fruit, Model: Hornet

- Current User: Bian
This Zoan Fruit would no doubt be terrifying on a full-size human, but on Bian the Tontatta it’s adorable. The Bug-Bug Fruit, Model: Hornet is a pesky power though, and allows the user to become a stinging insect. This includes the power of flight, with speed to match the meanest of hornets plus a stinger to match. Bian uses it to further the Tontatta revolution against Doflamingo.
6. Dragon-Dragon Fruit, Model: Pteranodon

- Current User: King
Everyone thought King was just really into leather, so it was definitely a surprise when he turned into a pteranodon. The Lunarian race already had wings so the flight wasn’t anything new for King, but it did greatly enhance his speed and strength. The Lead Performer of the Beast Pirates takes some liberties with what Pteranodon did though. One of his main attacks is to stretch his head back and launch his beak at enemies which… definitely wasn’t how dinosaurs worked.
5. Fish-Fish Fruit, Mythical Model: Azure Dragon

- Current User: Kaido (?)
Kaido is unconfirmed as Alive or Dead, so until then, he’s the defacto owner of the Azure Dragon Model Mythical Zoan. It’s a terrifying power and allows Kaido to become a massive serpent that flies through the air on storm clouds. The full dragon form is frightening and overwhelms most enemies who try to go against him. It’s not often that he has to rely on more than that, but in cases like his fight with Luffy, more power is necessary.
Kaido’s human-beast hybrid form is terrifying. The Oni Emperor keeps his massive horns and receives even bigger fangs plus scales on his skin. The scales give him even more armor on top of his already immense Armament Haki, while it even boosts his size. Kaido hits hard, and it’s almost too much for Luffy to overcome before he achieves Gear Fifth.
4. Bird-Bird Fruit, Mythical Model: Phoenix

- Current User: Marco
Marco is the coolest guy on the Whitebeard Pirates besides Ace. Now he’s just the coolest living survivor of the Whitebeard Pirates, with most of the others either dead or scattered to the wind. Still, his Mythical Zoan Fruit is one of the coolest to show up in the series. It offers him the ability to transform into a fully formed phoenix made of blue flames, or just take on a hybrid form. Marco even trains himself to use only portions of his transformation at a time, utilizing just the wings or talons if need be.
The true strength of this Mythical Zoan is in the healing abilities it carries though. Marco was the ship doctor for the Whitebeard Pirates and was often seen as the second in command under the Emperor. For good reason too, as his phoenix flames held healing powers if he chooses to heal with them. This makes Marco either a deadly enemy or a valuable ally in battles, as the Straw Hats find out in Onigashima.
3. Dog-Dog Fruit, Mythical Model: Okuchi no Makami

- Current User: Yamato
Yamato got the chance to show off his Mythical Zoan during the fight at Onigashima as well. This Fruit allows him to transform into the guardian wolf deity of Wano, Okuchi, and assume either a hybrid or full form. While the hybrid form greatly improves his combat, it also gives Yamato the ability to shoot beams of ice at his enemies. Combined with his Bagua fighting style learned from his father Kaido, Yamato is able to make deadly ice attacks in fights. The full beast form isn’t used much but is great for giving Yamato a massive boost in speed when he needs it, and likely has a ridiculously powerful Awakening.
2. Human-Human Fruit, Mythical Model: Buddha

- Current User: Sengoku
Odds are unless Chopper ate it, the Human-Human Fruit is going to be powerful. Sengoku turns him into the legendary Golden Buddha, with an equally golden afro sitting on his head. His full form is massive too, towering over the execution platform on Marineford as he faces down Luffy to execute Ace. Sengoku doesn’t even get a chance to show off his full powers, as most of the fight is over before he can truly get going.
This Fruit is in no way a pushover though, and probably could have ended the fighting at Marineford quickly if Sengoku wasn’t so short-sighted. He became the Fleet Admiral for a reason, and it wasn’t because of his tactful negotiating skills.
1. Human-Human Fruit, Mythical Model: Sun God Nika

- Current User: Straw Hat Luffy
This is the most recently revealed Zoan Fruit in One Piece, and the one that took everyone by surprise. When Luffy’s heartbeat stops during the battle at Onigashima, everyone thinks it’s a defeat nobody thought could happen. The greatest surprise was yet to come though, and when the Drums of Liberation beat, Luffy’s heart resumed with them. As it turns out, the Gum-Gum Fruit was a cover-up by the World Government for the Human-Human Fruit, Model: Nika.
Awakening lets Luffy fight in any ridiculous way he pleases, with cartoonish flexibility. Now, he doesn’t have to worry about inflating his limbs manually and can make everything around him rubbery. It’s the ultimate power and makes Luffy nearly unstoppable when he uses it. For someone like Luffy with a boundless imagination, this Mythical Zoan presents equally boundless abilities.
While these aren’t anywhere near all the Zoan-type Devil Fruits in One Piece, they’re definitely the most powerful. They may not all make short work of enemies, but thanks to their users and training, these Zoans turn the tide of battle for whoever uses them. Many more are guaranteed to come before the end of One Piece, too, so there are plenty of exciting possibilities in the final saga!