It feels like Wano has been over for weeks in the One Piece anime, but it still isn’t quite there. Episode 1083 definitely brought it one step closer to the final goodbye though, as the Straw Hats are loading up Thousand Sunny to depart. So, with the Wano arc finally closing out, there are still a few developments that happened outside of Wano that everyone needs to catch up on in this episode.
Warning that this article contains spoilers for One Piece through Episode 1083. If not caught up, watch the entire series on Crunchyroll before continuing!
What Happens in One Piece Episode 1083?

The episode opens in the aftermath of Wano’s invasion by Greenbull, who almost kills Raizo and Shinobu with his powers. They’ve been drained of all water in their bodies, totally dried out, and left to die by the Admirals’ Woods-Woods Fruit powers. Luckily Chopper stabilizes them quickly, bringing them back to life with a few rounds of IV fluids. The rest of the Straw Hats find out from the other Red Scabbards about Greenbull and head out to load Sunny for departure. Without telling Momo or Kin’emon goodbye, too!
Meanwhile, Duke Dogstrom and Cat Viper have a talk with Carrot, who they want to rule over Zou in their stead. They choose to remain in Wano and serve Momo, helping to raise him like his father helped them long ago. Meanwhile, the Straw Hats learn about the newest threat facing the New World- Cross Guild, an organization run by Buggy the Clown. Everyone knows he’s a joke, but what they don’t know is just how he got Dracule Mihawk and Sir Crocodile to serve under him.
Carrot’s New Role

The beginning of the episode follows Carrot being called into an audience with Duke Dogstrom and Cat Viper, with no idea of what’s to come. While she doesn’t realize just how serious it is at first, she says yes to becoming the new ruler of Zou while they stay there. The little breakdown Carrot has is hilarious, but it’s kind of bittersweet after she’s been sailing with the Straw Hats all this time. Back during the Whole Cake Island days, everyone thought she was going to be one of the newest Straw Hat Pirates, so it’s sad to see her go.
Dogstrom and Cat Viper are determined to stay back in Wano and help raise Momo up like his father. He’s going to be a great Shogun, and it’s going to take the advisory skill of his fathers’ former retainers to do it. Carrot might not think she’s ready for such an incredible role back home, but she’s more prepared than most. The little scene of her and Pedro was sweet too, and brought everything around full circle nicely.
Raizo and Shinobu

The fight against Greenbull didn’t end without some major injuries. When Kin and Okiku find out about the battle, they come rushing to find Raizo and Shinobu are just husks of their former selves. Greenbull really gave them a run for their money before Momo managed to get them with a Bagua Breath, and it shows. They’re barely alive thanks to some IV fluids, but Chopper manages to get them fixed up. It still shows how terrifying the powers of the newest Admiral are though.
When they eventually come back to consciousness, it’s obvious nothing has changed about them. Shinobu looks much better though, and the reactions from Sanji and Brook are hilarious. It’s been a while since Brook has gotten to use a good skeleton joke, so this one was a treat.
Yamato’s Decision

While everyone else is going through the motions of recovering and loading up, Yamato is sitting atop the Flower Palace, thinking hard about something. Last seen, he was asking to join the Straw Hat Pirates and sail with them as Kozuki Oden did with Roger long ago. It’s a big ask, but Luffy says that he can join if he chooses to go with them. This makes it interesting to see that Yamato is meditating and thinking on top of the Flower Capitol while they’re loading up.
He finally makes up his mind when the episode ends, saying that he’s going to live like Kozuki Oden did. While many think that this means he’s going to take off with the Straw Hats, he follows Oden’s early life. Yamato is around the age Oden was when he set out across Wano. He spends that time recruiting the Red Scabbards and shaping up Kuri. The Son of Kaido looks to go that route, traveling the country before setting out to sea.
What is Cross Guild?

A couple of episodes ago there was the surprise of a lifetime finding out about Buggy the Clown becoming an Emperor. Now another major blindside as One Piece reveals how Buggy became an Emperor of the Sea. Turns out in the time the Straw Hats are in Wano, the Warlord system was dismantled. Now three of the former Warlords have teamed up. Emperor status comes about thanks to a total misunderstanding after the group forms. Buggy’s crew are so damn in love with him that they put him at the top of the poster. This in turn makes the World Government believe he’s in charge.
Meanwhile, the other warlords aren’t the happiest about these developments. Still, it allows them to operate in the background while Buggy keeps the attention. More importantly, they started a bounty system of their own. Now they’re putting out major rewards for the capture or kill of Marines or World Government officials. This makes them incredibly dangerous throughout the New World, and a lot of people are going for the bounties now.
Momo and Kin’emon Left Behind

Poor Momonosuke is being overwhelmed as hell by all the people asking him questions. There’s a lot that’s going to go into the reconstruction of Wano. Unfortunately, Momo is the one that everything has to go through. Thankfully he has some help from the former Red Scabbards and his grandfather, who reveals himself to Momo and Hiyori. Yet somehow Kin’emon never realized that Hitetsu was Kozuki Sukiyaki, despite the other Scabbards knowing the entire time. Typical Kin’emon.
The real outrage happens when the Straw Hats leave without saying goodbye to Momo and Kin. They’re both angry about it, finding out everyone else already got a goodbye. When they find Yamato on the roof, it’s time to hunt them down. They begin to make their way to Udon Port, where the three Worst Generation crews are loading up to leave.
Parting Ways

Everyone deciding where to go is one of the funniest moments One Piece has had in a while. Especially because Luffy is so damn outraged by Buggy being an Emperor. “Don’t they know he’s an idiot?” is going to be an all-time best line from Luffy. It’s also hilarious to see how enraged he and Kid get when they argue over which way to sail. Meanwhile, Trafalgar Law gets his first pick. Turns out, Luffy is just as much of an idiot as Buggy. Especially when it comes to trying to reach the One Piece.
It’s awfully nice of Traffy to give Poneglyph etchings to the others, too. Now we’re finally going to learn more about this man with a burn scar that’s been teased, and just how they relate to the final Road Poneglyph. Nobody quite knows who it could be, but there is a belief that he’s allied with Shanks and somewhere on Elbaph. Big bets are riding on the scarred man actually being Jaguar D Saul, but we’ll see how that turns out.
One Piece Episode 1083 ends just before the other Straw Hat bounties get revealed. Those should come in next week though, and it’s going to be a treat. Apparently, this next episode will be the departure, so it’s finally time to say goodbye to Wano country. There’s still plenty to go over though, and the next few episodes are going to give a look at the absolute insanity that One Piece has had going on in the background this whole time.