The bounty system in One Piece has been in play since around the East Blue saga when Luffy earned his first one for defeating Arlong. They’ve only gone up from there, with every member of the Straw Hat Crew now wanted by the Navy. How are the values determined though? Sometimes the numbers don’t stack up quite how viewers might think, so this will break down some aspects of the bounties in One Piece.
Why Are Bounties Given in One Piece?

Just like in the real world, bounties are issued for criminals who go against the laws, or whoever sets the laws. In the world of One Piece bounties are only made for the worst of the worst, not just small-time pirates around the four Blues. Remember, Luffy didn’t even get his first bounty until his defeat of Arlong, and he wrecked the East Blue on his way there. It doesn’t even have to be about the amount of damage done either.
Some get bounties simply for murder, which was what happened to Cavendish when he went on the run. Others receive bounties for the crime of knowledge like Nico Robin, deemed unable to exist after witnessing the Buster Call at Ohara. So, while it’s a system by the Navy to take out those that pose a huge danger to society and the seas, it’s also an exploit by the World Government. Why face the problem when money can just make it go away?
The Bounty Amount

Speaking of money, the amount given on bounties has always been a touchy subject, especially between the Straw Hat crew. Some are just happy with whatever bounty they get, while others… get competitive. Zoro and Sanji often argue, especially because Zoro is often trailing not far behind Luffy when it comes to bounty prices. Despite Luffy’s massive penchant for destruction and toppling of fascist regimes, he doesn’t even have the highest bounty of the Worst Generation.
That honor goes to Eustass Kid, who had the highest starting bounty along with Trafalgar Law. Law got his thanks to what he knows about Doflamingo and his ability of the Op-Op Fruit, highly desired by the World Government. Kid got his bounty for being a psychotic murderer. That’s it, no other motive, he’s just the barbaric pirate of the seas from old stories. The man uses his Devil Fruit powers to slaughter his way across the Grand Line indiscriminately, whereas the others typically kept deaths and mass casualties to a minimum. Even Luffy tried not to let people die in all his destruction.
The Bounty Picture

Other than the unveiling of new bounty numbers, are the new bounty photos. They don’t come every time a number updates, but when they do come about it’s often with hilarious results. Or, in Luffy’s case, world-shattering. Bounty photos can be anything, as long as it displays the person. Whether it’s a previous criminal photo, battle photo, or something else. In Sanji’s case after Water 7, it was a sketch since nobody got a good picture of his face. Then that sketch leads to the hilarious encounter with Duval.
It’s worth a note that almost every female character has a bounty poster that’s… very complimentary. Nami’s even earned a spot on her village’s wall in some areas. The most recent one that Stussy made sure to leak to Big News Morgans of Luffy was his Gear Five. That’s now his official bounty picture, and it’s driving the World Government insane with anger.
Who Has the Highest Bounty in One Piece?

Throughout One Piece’s world, the highest bounty was for none other than Gol D Roger, King of the Pirates. He earned every last bit of it too, topping out by the end at 5.565 BILLION Berries. Whoever took Roger down never had to work again and have plenty left over by the end. In the end, Roger got the final laugh as he turned himself into the Navy after their voyage to Laughtale.
In the modern story of One Piece things are different. Nobody still living in the World of One Piece has reached anywhere near the lofty heights of Roger. Not to say there aren’t many are reaching for it still. Now that Big Mom and Kaido are out of the picture, Shanks is the highest bounty currently living at 4.05 billion Berries. No doubt he’s making his former captain proud, wherever he may be watching from. The villainous Blackbeard trails not far behind him at 3.996 billion Berries to his name.
Who has the Lowest Bounty in One Piece?

Even though poor Chopper is the lowest bounty on the Straw Hat Pirates crew, he’s not the lowest in One Piece. He does hold the record for lowest ever though, with just fifty measly Berries after the Enies Lobby incident. The poor little guy is higher now, but still just seen as the Straw Hat Crew’s pet. So instead of seeing a great doctor, nobody takes him seriously.
Currently, in the world of One Piece, the Heart Pirates navigator Bepo holds the lowest bounty at five hundred Berries. He’s a polar bear Mink, so his big, fluffy nature and blank face cause the same problem as Chopper. Everyone only sees him as the Heart Pirates pet, when really he’s the only one that knows where to go.
That’s just a basic overview of how bounties work in the world of One Piece. Check out some of these other write-ups on how each character came to have the bounty they hold now! Follow each Straw Hat’s journey from their first bounty to post-Wano, and trace what has made them so fearsome!
Or, check out One Piece, streaming on Netflix and Crunchyroll in the United States!