Looking for someone crazy enough to challenge Zunesha or a fleet led by Fleet Admiral Sengoku and Admiral Fujitora? Look no further than Jack The Drought. A hybrid Mammoth Fishman whose appearance is enough to drive a human nut is one of the reasons why the One Piece world can be unsettling. His appearance is no different from his persona, as you’ll learn how absurd Jack of the Beast Pirates is. How did he earn the nickname “The Drought,” though? Many ask. Read on to learn who Jack is and how much of a menace he was in the One Piece World.
Who is Jack The Drought?

Jack The Drought, a hybrid Mammoth Fishman, is a truly unsettling character in the world of One Piece with his unique and intriguing presence. His appearance and persona come together perfectly to match how absurd he is. Among the All-Stars of the Beast Pirates, Jack stands as the third strongest. He wasn’t just one of the strongest but also a former ruler of the Wano’s Kuri Region. A position the legendary Kozuki Oden once held. Jack took his role as an All-Star very seriously, as he worked hard to maintain the highest standards of the Beast Pirates, upholding the name of his captain, Kaido.
We get to hear about him and see him for the first time in the Punk Hazard Arc, when his subordinates watch the broadcast of Caesar Clown’s defeat. Jack isn’t an ordinary no-name pirate, as his bounty exceeds one billion Berries. Unlike King and Queen, who got their nicknames from their attack names, Jack’s nickname is very unique. His nickname stems from the impact he leaves behind after rampaging on an island, which is easily compared to the aftermath left behind by severe drought in a country.
The Zou Zou no mi, Model: Mammoth

Also known as the Elephant-Elephant Fruit, Model: Mammoth, the Zou Zou no mi, Model Mammoth, is an Ancient Zoan type that allows its user to transform into a full Mammoth or a hybrid Mammoth at will. Spandem’s sword, Funkfreed, previously ate it. And Jack The Drought is the current user of the fruit. Just like any other devil fruit user, he has lost the ability to swim. However, being a Fishman, Jack still has the advantage of being able to breathe underwater. This particular attribute sets him apart from other devil fruit users.
With just a mere swing of his trunk in his Mammoth form, he has the power to destroy a portion of large cities, dismantle steel gates, and also leave imprints on solid rock to strike fear in his foes, of course. In his Mammoth form, Jack’s toughness and stamina also receive a significant boost, as we see him hold his ground against the Minks tribe in their Sulong form. Despite his immense physical strength and stamina, he still lost and sustained severe injuries in his fight with the two strongest Minks, Inuarashi and Nekomamushi.
Awry and Monstrous Appearance

Jack is a massive Fishman with the build of a giant grouper. He is so tall that he towers over his subordinates, making them appear dwarf-like, and he also stands taller than his captain, Kaido. Even though he is a Fishman, his skin is so pale that he resembles a human, which leads people to often mistake him for one. He has bloodshot orange eyes and a veined forehead. He also has two piercings in his right ear and wears spiked pauldrons on his shoulders.
His limbs may be smaller than his massive torso, but he possesses incredible muscular strength. When he transforms into his Zoan-type form, Mammoth, the mask he is always seen wearing disappears, revealing his horns and his blonde hair that’s pulled back into a ponytail. Just like Kaido, he wears a sleeveless feathery coat with a belt that features the Beast Pirates’ Jolly Roger. Unfortunately, the belt was destroyed during his fight with Inuarashi.
Who Needs Haki?

Haki refers to a special power that dwells in a select few in the world of One Piece. It comes from a person’s willpower and ambition. Only a few people have this power, and Jack The Drought is one of them. Although we’ve never seen him use it, Jack possesses the ability to use Kenbunshoku Haki (Observation), which grants the user a sixth sense, and the user also gains limited precognitive abilities. He is also able to use Busoshoku Haki (Armament), which allows the user to use their spiritual energy to create invisible armor around themselves for defensive and offensive means. These are incredible feats for a Beast Pirate, and we hope to see him use them in the future.
Irresponsible and Irrational Persona

Jack happens to be a very aggressive and explosive individual, always ready to unleash his aggression. When he was first introduced, his subordinates were worried and scared about how he would react if he were told that Caesar was being held captive. That’s because Caesar was a scientist who played a vital role in Kaido’s plan to elevate the Beast Pirates to becoming the most Intimidating and Formidable crew. Jack also admitted that he enjoys wreaking havoc even when there are no valid justifications. His subordinates and anyone else who has witnessed his insanity have called him a lunatic.
Jack is incredibly brutal and savage, severing limbs and causing bloodshed. He only ever stops his rampage when there are other important responsibilities he needs to take care of. Jack’s subordinates are very devoted to him. However, he doesn’t care much for them. In a situation where his subordinates would have entered Zou peacefully to ambush later, Jack would instead order them to attack the powerful minks, endangering them needlessly. However, while Jack is lackadaisical to his crew, he is quite respectful to his superiors, Kaido, King and Queen.
Zou Arc

Jack’s first appearance was in episode 746, the last episode showing the Dressrosa arc leading to when the Straw hat pirates made their way to Zou. Zou is an island on Zunesha’s back, which also serves as a home for the Minks tribe. Jack went to Zou intending to capture a fugitive from the Wano Kingdom, Raizou. Raizou was one of Kozuki Oden’s retainers who were labeled traitors of the Wano Kingdom. On his mission, he was confronted by the minks who resided in Zou. They calmly told Jack that Raizo wasn’t on the island and they did not know his whereabouts. Jack refused to believe the Minks and continued to demand for Raizo. Since Jack refused to negotiate, the Minks decided to engage in battle with Jack and his crew which lasted for about five days and five nights.
The Minks initially had the upper hand over Jack’s crew, but Jack had an ace up his sleeve. He releases Caesar the Clown’s poison gas to cripple them. Upon his victory, he tortures the Minks for the whereabouts of Raizou. After a while, Jack heard about Doflamingo’s defeat at the hands of Monkey D. Luffy. Jack then decides to leave Zou to rescue Doflamingo, leaving behind most of his crew to keep watch on the Minks. Jack was unaware that Sheepshead, one of the Beats Pirates’ headliners, was defeated by the Straw Hats while they were keeping watch on the Minks at Zou and the rest of his crew retreated. He appeared a few days later on his ship, tailing the four marine ships that held Doflamingo. He was adamant about rescuing Doflamingo, even though his crew advised him against it because Doflamingo’s escorts were very strong.
Attack on Zunesha

After finding out that Raizo wasn’t on Zou and his crew was defeated, Jack got really mad and punished Sheepshead for losing to the Straw Hats. He and his crew returned to Zou with the intention of killing the giant elephant, Zunesha, and sinking the whole island. Little did Jack know this was impossible. Upon provocation from Jack’s ship cannons, Zunesha begs Momonosuke to permit him to obliterate Jack. However, Oda doesn’t explain why Zunesha needs to ask for permission to defend himself. What we do know is only those who possess the voice of all things can hear and talk to Zunesha, which Momo surprisingly has. With permission from Momonosuke, Zunesha obliterates Jack’s Fleet with a trunk swipe.
Wano Arc

Jack and his crew were eventually rescued from the sea where the ship sank and he returned to Wano before Luffy’s arrival. He was then notified about the defeat of one of the Beast Pirates’ headliners by Luffy and Roronoa Zoro. Jack finally searches for Luffy in Okobore town and meets Shutenmaru. He invites Shutenmaru to join the Beast pirates but is declined by the latter who then proceeds to slice Jack triggering a fight between them. Their fight is cut short when Jack hears rumors of Luffy and Law’s whereabouts. Upon delivering the news to a drunk Kaido, Kaido changes to his dragon form and wreaks havoc on Oden Castle. He doesn’t bother scouring the castle to find them but rather fires the whole town to bits. Guess we can see where Jack gets his inspiration from. Luckily, Luffy and Law and far away from there.
Back at Onigashima, Jack was scolded by King and Queen because the offerings from Kuri region were decreasing. Jack could only quietly apologize because he was scared of the other two disasters. Later on, We see Jack present when Kaido decides to speed up the execution of Momonosuke with the announcement of the “New Onigashima Project.” While Kaido planned to kill Momonosuke, the Red Scabbards attacked him together with the rest of the All-Stars. Jack gathers his crew and they prepare to wage war on the Mink’s Sulong form. Jack suffers numerous wounds due to the minks and eventually gets beaten up by Nekomamushi and Inuarashi. However, Jack was able to decimate many of the Minks, but at this point, both he and his platoon remained overtaken by exhaustion; as a result, Kaido joined the battle. Asking Jack to leave the battlefront to recuperate.
Legendary Battle with an Old Foe

After partially recovering from his injuries, Jack goes to fight the Scabbards in the treasure room but Inuarashi confronts him. Inuarashi confronts Jack alone so that the other scabbards can advance further. During their battle, Jack figures that Inuarashi wouldn’t be able to transform into his Sulong form because they were indoors and he couldn’t see the moon, much to his advantage. However, Jack couldn’t use his chemical weapons as well. During the intense battle, Jack’s subordinates also kept Inuarashi occupied, draining his energy. Jack transforms into his hybrid form and attacks Inuarashi, telling him to give up before the fight even starts. He also told Inuarashi that he had forgiven the Minks for protecting Raizo and lying to him. Inuarashi used his weight and momentum to toss Jack through the wall of the treasure room and into the open courtyard of Onigashima.
Inuarashi approached Jack as he stood up again, using a hole in the Skull Dome’s roof to change into his Sulong form. Seizing this opportunity, Inuarashi was able to use his Sulong form to inflict wounds on Jack. However, these attacks stopped the moment Kaido’s storm clouds covered the moon. Inuarashi returned to normal, giving Jack an opportunity to turn the tide in his favor, acknowledging that he was lucky because if he had taken one more hit, he would have lost. Jack’s luck eventually ran out when the Haki clash from Luffy and Kaido’s battle split the storm clouds in the sky, revealing the moon once again. This allowed Inuarashi to transform into his Sulong form again, defeating Jack using the Oden One Sword Style: Inu Spire, which pierced Jack in the stomach and left him unconscious. And here’s the last we see of Jack.