Eiichiro’s Oda imagination is out of this world. The famous mangaka creates new settings and characters every couple of chapters, and for more than two and a half decades he has been able to deliver a plethora of characters designs that fluctuate all over the place. This includes characters that are not as visually graceful and they could be. Oda doesn’t discriminate, and these ugly characters can be both sympathetic and totally unlikable. So let’s check out some of the ugliest characters in the series and why they deserve that title.
5. Gecko Moria of the Seven Warlords of the Sea

By the time Oda introduces us to Gecko Moria, he has built a lot of anticipation around the character. During the Thriller Bark Arc, Oda uses Brook to create this anticipation by describing Moria as a terrifying monster. However, by the time we truly meet him, his appearance leaves a lot to be desired. Moria is one of the tallest characters in the series, standing at almost 7 meters tall, but while we have seen many giants in the story. He is particularly ugly, as his body doesn’t really resemble the proportions of a normal human being.
Moria is not only quite tall, but he also has a very long neck, and his lower body is quite thick. This creates the sensation that Moria is a sort of twisted version of a clown. You could say he is some sort of Pennywise in the One Piece universe. His face, most of all, is truly terrifying, as his eyes are mostly dead. Which reminds us of Pennywise even more. Moria has also created his own terrifying setting by making his pirate ship, Thriller Bark, into an expansive house of terrors where he steals the shadows of anyone who comes near. A true reflection of his ugly soul.
4. Alvida

Alvida is one of the most memorable characters in One Piece because. As Luffy’s first true enemy in the story, she sets up the way Oda will depict villains throughout the entire series. These villains are not only people who are not pretty, but they also have ugly hearts. Alvida is shown to be a very obese woman, whose attitude makes her totally unlikable. The fact that Alvida is fat is not the thing that makes her ugly. Actually, what makes her hideous is that she has decided to try to manipulate the reality around her by forcing them to accept her. Even when she has to hurt people to do it.
When Luffy tells her just how awful she is, he is, of course, calling attention to the fact that she has become a terrible person trying to push herself as something she is not. She comes back later in the series and reappears as a very beautiful, slim woman, thanks to her consumption of the Sube Sube no Mi, which got rid of all the excess fat in her body. However, even when she now presents herself as a beautiful woman, we know exactly what hides behind that facade.
3. Saint Charloss

Let’s be real; the Celestial Dragons themselves would be enough to fill this category. Oda knows what he is doing when trying to create the most despicable characters in existence, and so far he has done a pretty good job. The Celestial Dragons are not only awful on the inside but also horrifying on the outside. Their sense of style is also pretty awful. They choose to dress in these strange space suits that might actually hide an even more terrifying truth behind them. They also have distorted bodies, and some of them even look like monsters. Their haircuts are also incredibly awful.
Oda is certainly taking inspiration from the many generic defects. They started appearing in the European aristocracy after inbreeding became a sort of norm to keep the power in the family. Saint Charloss, the most recurrent of the Celestial Dragons, is the definition of an ugly man. His face is stupid, and his voice is annoying. His attitude just makes you want to punch him every time he is on-screen. Thankfully, it seems many other characters share that passion, and it is just great seeing him getting beaten one way or another.
2. Trebol

Trebol is one of the three highest officers in the Donquixote Family, and as such, he is one of the main antagonists in the Dressrosa Arc. However, instead of inspiring fear and menace, Trebol inspires disgust. He is one of those characters that Oda has designed with the sole purpose of creating a revolting feeling when you see them. He is the owner of the Beta Beta no Mi, which actually makes Trebol a Mucus Man. Yes, Trebol’s body is made out of mucus. On top of that, his face, which is constantly dripping mucus, makes him look like one of those people you don’t want to meet in your life.
Like many other characters who are hideous in One Piece, his ugliness goes beyond his physical appearance. Trebol is, in fact, one of the worst characters on the show. He is obnoxious, has no dignity or remorse, and he is one of the people responsible for having created Donquixote Doflamingo in the first place. Doflamingo had already been a troubled kid since childhood, but unlike his brother Rosinante, Doflamingo ended up taking Trebol as a model figure. This fatal development would take Doflamingo all the way to the dark side and cement Trebol’s ugliness beyond normal parameters.
1. Kurozumi Orochi

There are many ugly characters in One Piece, but Orochi is one in a totally different tier when it comes to this classification. Orochi’s design is not only ugly thanks to his giant head, terrible mustache, and just hideous facial expressions. He is also a character with no honor, a traitor, and absolutely selfish. In the beginning, during Oden’s flashback, he is introduced as just another person who has to fall on hard times. However, little by little, we see that the ugly exterior is also reflected on the inside, as Orochi proves to be a deceiving snake.
It makes sense for him to be the owner of the Hebi Hebi no Mi, model: Yamata no Orochi. This fruit transforms Orochi into a snake with eight heads, a mythical snake creature from Japanese folklore. In Japanese legends, the Orochi would maintain a reign of fear over the people, just like Orochi is doing to the people of Wano in One Piece. Orochi’s lack of self-awareness is also truly despicable. He believes himself to be everything he is not. He is not the hero of his story, and this rejection of everything good and honorable in the world is what ultimately seals his fate.