The Big Mom pirates were an absolute force in their prime. A lot of One Piece crews have a deep family dynamic, often conflicting with traditional views of piracy. Some are literal families, the product of a captain plundering more than a few wooden chests. While, in other cases, there are families that form out of necessity and loss like the Straw Hats. Sometimes, we end up with a little bit of both and it makes for a memorable diverse array of characters. That’s what fans get with the Big Mom Pirates. In addition to memorable development, they make up some of the strongest fighters sailing the Grand Line. It’d be fun to rank them… so we’re doing it. Counting down the Top 10 Big Mom Pirates in One Piece.
10. Tamago

Recently we talked extensively about the long-leg knight and his contribution to the One Piece narrative. Along with his wit and encyclopedic knowledge regarding many of the more sacred aspects of the journey, he is a skilled swordsman. As stated in another segment, anyone who manages to clash with Pedro can fight with the best of them.
9. Brûlée

Let’s get the first thing out of the way, Charlotte Brulee is a bit terrifying. In many aspects, Brulee bears a striking resemblance to the classic witch archetype. She stands at an imposing height, her posture slightly hunched, and her skin bearing a pallid gray hue. Her figure, though well-endowed, maintains a slender quality, lending an illusion of extraordinary length to her limbs.
Brulee consumed the Mira Mira no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit bestowing her with the power to conjure and control mirrors. This remarkable ability enables her to assume the appearance of any chosen individual. Mirroring their actions and words flawlessly while in this form, is akin to an immaculate reflection. Furthermore, she can craft a formidable mirror shield, not only shielding herself but also bouncing back any assailant’s attacks with a counterstrike.
8. Daifuku

As the Minister of Beans, Daifuku wields considerable authority over Poripori Island within the territory of Totto Land. His personality is marked by a harsh and violent demeanor, driven by an intense desire to swiftly eliminate his adversaries. If his targets manage to evade him, he becomes incensed with anger. Daifuku possesses tremendous physical prowess. He does not hesitate to employ physical and verbal aggression against those he deems inept or obstructive, even if they happen to be his own kin. This became evident when he struck his sister, Pudding, following her failure to eliminate Sanji, disparaging her as useless.
Daifuku’s unique abilities stem from his consumption of the Hoya Hoya no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit. This fruit grants him the power to summon a formidable genie wielding a halberd from within his own belly simply by rubbing it. This genie possesses overwhelming strength, capable of effortlessly overpowering adversaries, including formidable opponents like Sanji.
7. Oven

Charlotte Oven made it on the coveted list for a fair number of reasons. For starters, he is among the most loyal of Big Moms crew. Coming to the aid of whoever calls at the drop of a hat. In his capacity as the Minister of Browned Food, Oven exercises control over Yakigashi Island within the realm of Totto Land. As a prominent officer within the Big Mom Pirates, Oven occupies a position of considerable authority. Often wielding power over subordinates within the crew’s hierarchy. He displayed his formidable might when he effortlessly overwhelmed Chopper in his Kung-Fu Point form.
Even when subjected to a surprise attack by Vinsmoke Niji, a genetically enhanced superhuman empowered by his Raid Suit, Oven emerged unscathed from the powerful kick. Oven’s extraordinary abilities derive from his consumption of the Netsu Netsu no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit. This fruit empowers him to emanate intense heat from his body. By raising his body temperature, he can enhance the impact of his physical strikes. Effectively inflicting burns upon anything he comes into contact with.
6. Snack

This will be a bit controversial. Although not fully exhibited, Charlotte Snack’s combat prowess is substantiated by his impressive bounty of 600,000,000 Berries. Holding the prestigious title of Sweet Commander suggests that he likely surpasses the strength of his formidable siblings, including Compote, Daifuku, Oven, and even Perospero. As a former Sweet Commander, Snack commanded significant authority within the crew, second only to Big Mom herself. Nonetheless, he suffered defeat in battle at the hands of Urouge, a member of the Worst Generation.
5. Smoothie

Charlotte Smoothie holds the position of the 14th daughter and is the 35th child born into the Charlotte Family. She shares the distinction of being the older triplet sibling of Citron and Cinnamon. Despite her tendencies towards cruelty and carelessness, Smoothie remains fiercely loyal to her family and crew. She diligently carries out any task assigned to her by those she holds in high regard. Smoothie boasts an extraordinary level of physical strength that suits her imposing stature.
Smoothie consumed the Shibo Shibo no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit granting her the ability to extract liquid from both animate and inanimate objects. She wields this power by contorting her target and then squeezing it dry, akin to wringing out a drenched cloth. Alternatively, she can deplete the liquid content from a target by utilizing her sword to make precise cuts. She can effortlessly lift and, using her unique ability, easily compress a person of average size with just one hand or both hands. Honestly, how are they going to put the full extent of this ability into the live-action One Piece… without it looking like something out of the Saw franchise?
4. Prospero

Perospero has consumed the Pero Pero no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that grants him the ability to generate and manipulate candy. This candy can take the form of viscous syrup or be solidified into a hardened state. Providing him with remarkable versatility. With his power, Perospero can craft a wide array of objects using candy as his medium.
As the eldest sibling, Perospero appears to maintain amicable relationships with the majority of his brothers and sisters. They affectionately refer to him as “Brother Peros”. However, beneath this exterior lies an extremely sadistic nature. He derives immense pleasure from inflicting torment on others, as evidenced by his chilling threat to Caesar Clown of transforming him into candy and savoring a lethal licking while casually toying with his heart. How does that not send chills down the old bone ladder?
His staggering bounty of 700,000,000 Berries serves as a testament to his potency and menace. It surpasses even that of Snack, who once held the esteemed position of Sweet Commander.
3. Cracker

Charlotte Cracker, or “Thousand Arms”, is nothing to scoff at. Not in the slightest. As a character, he is psychotically loyal to his family. He firmly clings to the belief that one’s lineage is the ultimate determinant of their character, mistakenly assuming that Sanji would willingly acquiesce to his arranged marriage due to familial loyalty. Cracker exudes great confidence in his abilities and greatly prefers handling adversaries on his own, harboring a strong aversion to outside interference from his fellow crew members. His physical strength is nothing short of remarkable, enabling him to wield the colossal sword known as Pretzel while maintaining a swiftness that keeps pace with Luffy.
Cracker consumed the Bisu Bisu no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit granting him the power to conjure and manipulate biscuits at will. With a mere clap, he brings these biscuits into existence, and beyond forming complete biscuits, he can also reduce them to incredibly fine crumbs. These biscuits exhibit extraordinary durability, although they can be softened by exposure to water.
2. Katakuri

We talked extensively about Haki master Charlotte Katakuri in a previous segment. Everything was covered about him, so this will be a bit brief. Katakuri possesses exceptional speed and remarkable reflexes, to the extent that even an accomplished practitioner of Kenbunshoku Haki like Luffy found it challenging to react swiftly to his attacks. Furthermore, his astonishing resilience was evident when he intentionally impaled himself with his own spear, displaying only minor signs of discomfort.
Katakuri’s formidable abilities stem from his consumption of the Mochi Mochi no Mi, a Special Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that grants him the power to generate, manipulate, and transform his body into mochi at will. His mochi is incredibly thick and adhesive, enabling him to ensnare even the most formidable adversaries. However, it’s worth noting that the effectiveness of his mochi diminishes significantly when it comes into contact with liquids.
1. Big Mom

What can we say about Charlotte Linlin that hasn’t already been said? Well, absolutely nothing, Seriously! This character is covered more than Tolstoy’s War & Peace. We’ll summarize her level of power though because it demands respect. Previously holding the position of one of the Four Emperors, Big Mom was acknowledged as one of the four most formidable pirates in the world. Even the Straw Hat Pirates recognized the peril of recklessly engaging her, fully aware that she possessed the capacity to swiftly and decisively overpower them. Remarkably, at the tender age of six, Linlin’s first documented bounty stood at 50,000,000 Berries, a testament to her substantial threat even in her youth.
Big Mom’s destructive capabilities extend to her capacity to single-handedly wreak havoc upon towns and effortlessly submerge battleships. During one of her uncontrollable rampages in Sweet City, there were concerns that her unchecked fury might even lead to the collapse of her mountain-sized castle. She displayed her extraordinary strength when she nonchalantly shattered Vinsmoke Judge’s spear with her teeth during an attempted attack.
Following the demise of its previous owner, Carmel, Linlin somehow acquired the abilities of the Soru Soru no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit. This fruit empowers her to materialize the souls of individuals as ethereal entities that she can manipulate, provided her intended targets experience fear. That’s why this borderline cosmic deity wraps up the list.