Viola’s story begins on an island called Dressrosa, found in the New World, home to one of the twenty kingdoms that founded the World Government after the Great Kingdom’s defeat. A country well known for its beauty, women, and Colosseum, was ruled by the royal Riku family. The next in line to the throne and second daughter of this family is the beautiful, well-endowed Princess Viola. Former Assassin and officer of the Trebol army of the Donquixote Pirates, Viola is famous for her Flamenco dance. A woman with a bodacious figure and enough poise to sway the hearts of men, Viola plays a major role in the Dressrosa arc.
Who is Viola In One Piece?

Daughter of King Riku Doldo III, Princess Viola is burdened with the weight of carrying on the legacy of her family. Her early life, filled with the Kingdom’s happiness and peace, was rarely troubled. All these changed when their Kingdom was infiltrated by the Donquixote Pirates, and Donquixote Doflamingo began to rule over it. This drastic change in the state of their kingdom greatly affects Viola as she struggles to save her people while having to work for Doflamingo. To be more discreet, she dubs the name “Violet” as a member of his crew.
Based on her experiences with most men, emotional and romantic as she may be, Viola is very manipulative. She has no aversion to violence and is even capable of it. However, she is actually a noble character with a kind heart. At one point, we see her willing to sacrifice herself for the sake of others. The ordeals she went through during this tumultuous period, especially her involvement with the Doflamingo Pirates. And her decision to betray them later on, make her an important character in the Dressrosa Arc.
The Giro Giro No Mi

Viola ate the Giro Giro No Mi (Glare-Glare Fruit) when she was ten years of age. This is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows her to read people’s minds and go through their memories. Not only that, she is also able to see through solid objects, clothes, and even skin. Thankfully, Sanji does not have this technique. The distance to which she can use this technique is also very impressive.
Anything within a 4000-kilometer radius does not hide from her sight as she can not only see but in great detail and different directions as well. She is able to activate this technique by forming a circle with her thumb and index finger and looking through it, sort of like a lens. The fruit also allows Viola to freely manipulate her tears. She can gigantify them, and use them as dangerous projectiles that attack targets with brute force.
Viola’s Powers And Abilities

Viola is a skillful Flamenco dancer who’s popular for her elegance and grace. She was able to enrapture Sanji, although famously known as a lover of all women, at first sight with her sensuous moves and a glance. She is very manipulative, a skill that came in handy multiple times, and a skilled assassin. Her combat ability was shown when she attacked Sanji and was able to injure him severely. However, it is worthy of note that Sanji, a man opposed to attacking women for any reason whatsoever, would not lift a finger in retaliation. Her clairvoyance skills are what drew in Doflamingo, in particular, to accept her as part of his pirate crew in exchange for not killing her father.
As a princess of Dressrosa, Viola used to have great authority in the country. However, it was temporarily taken from her while Doflamingo was in power. She is also especially good with pistols. Which she shows when she shoots at the screen displaying the Colosseum Block D battle. She is also particularly good with knives as she uses them to confront Doflamingo. This knife, in particular, seems to be part of a rose-shaped ornament she wears as she is seen pulling this weapon from her hair.
Princess Viola’s Past

Prior to the coup d’etat that Doflamingo initiated, Dressrosa was but a peaceful country. However, Viola was still faced with some issues of her own. As she cared about her sister’s happiness deeply, she was always on the lookout for whatever would take her sister’s happiness away. When Kyros was promoted to captain of the Royal Guard he was tasked with her sister’s safety. She was able to see through him right away with her clairvoyance abilities and see his true nature. While Viola was rooting for him, her sister, Scarlett, was wary of him.
After Kyros was able to demonstrate his love for her, she also fell in love with him and even left the castle to live with him under her father’s conditions. King Riku and Viola still visited them from time to time. On the night of the coup d’etat it is revealed that one of the servants, Monet, was a traitor. Upon the revelation, Monet captures Viola and opens the gate to the Royal palace to the Donquixote Pirates. As with most coup d’etats, Doflamingo planned to kill King Riku. However, he drops the idea when he is talked out of it by Viola. It is later revealed that She offers her clairvoyance services in exchange for her father’s life. Doflamingo, interested in the skillset she offered, agreed.
Dressrosa Arc

Upon arriving at Dressrosa, Zoro’s sword (Shisui) was stolen by a fairy. Zoro began to chase after the fairy, and Sanji began to chase after Zoro. Along the line, Sanji got distracted and was instead drawn in by the graceful steps of the beautiful Viola on the stage. After her performance, she realizes the police are after her. And she uses a lovestruck Sanji for cover as she hugs him. Sanji, who was already enraptured by her beauty, could not resist asking if he could offer any help to her. She obliged, asking him to follow her to the next town and to help her kill a certain man. Sanji taking up the role of bodyguard seemed to have impressed Viola. She almost fell in love with him when he took down a sniper who had aimed at them.
Upon betrayal by Viola, Sanji still decides to believe in her. This actually touches her heart, and she decides to help him in return. Relaying information occasionally about Doflamingo to Sanji, Sanji worries for her safety, and she assures him not to worry. After helping the Straw Hat pirates infiltrate the palace through a secret passage only known to the Royal family, they charged in through, much to her chagrin, and began to fight against members of the Donquixote Pirates. In this process, she is able to find her family. She found her Father and brother-in-law, Kyros, who was actually a toy. Don’t get us wrong, Kyros is human but he was turned into a toy by Sugar. While working mostly behind the scenes of Luffy’s fight with Doflamingo, Viola was one of the major characters who brought about the restoration of peace to Dressrosa.
Was Viola in a Secret Relationship With Doflamingo?

With the way Doflamingo calls Viola “Violet” and Viola calls Doflamingo “Doffy,” you must wonder, what is the relationship between these two? A fan of the series who is just as curious as you asked Oda this same question in a SBS (Special Broadcasting Service).
Oda replied that their relationship is a deep secret. And that he can’t divulge as it changes the demographics of One Piece. He also said, and we quote, “To all adults, please try to imagine yourselves. Dressrosa is a passionate country”. Although their relationship might not have been a healthy one and most certainly not consensual, Oda confirms the presence of adult relations. And leaves the details up to the imagination of the fans of his series.
Where Is Viola now?

After defeating Doflamingo and restoring peace to Dressrosa once again, Rebecca, who is the daughter of Viola’s elder sister and supposedly next in line to the throne, decides to step down from her position. Hence making Viola the next crown princess of Dressrosa.
As the princess of a major country, she attends to her duties, such as attending a seven-day conference as a member of the council formed by the World Government called “The Reverie,” which is held once every four years. There is a chance that Oda, master of surprises and foreshadowing, would find a way to show Princess Viola in the series yet again.