Who is Roronoa Zoro? you might ask! The Pirate Hunter Roronoa Zoro has been one of Luffy’s crew since he first set sail all those years ago. Now, he’s a Wing of the Pirate King, the feared King of Hell, and climbing his way ever closer to the title of the World’s Greatest Swordsman. It took Zolo a lot to get where he is, but what went into the character to get him there? Take a look back at Zoro’s history and see what made him into Luffy’s top crewmate.
Here’s an obligatory SPOILER WARNING for everything up to the current Egghead Island arc of One Piece, so proceed with caution.
Zoro’s Childhood

Growing up in Shimotsuki Village of the East Blue, Zoro spent most of his time as an orphan at the dojo, training in his own discipline. As a kid, he came up with the Three Sword Style, though his best friend Kuina would always beat him in their duels with only one sword. Nevertheless, he persisted and honed his skills, despite the complaints of his teachers. Zoro would only reinforce his feelings when his friend Kuina died.
Since they made a promise for one of them to become the World’s Greatest Swordsman, Zoro continues on for her. He wields her sword, Wado Ichimonji, and it’s been his one constant from the start. Zoro eventually embarks as a bounty hunter targeting pirates, earning him the name Pirate Hunter Zoro before he’s even out of his teens.
Does Zoro Have any Family?

Zoro’s mother and father both died by the time he was eight, one in war and the other to disease. Zoro was mostly raised by Kuina’s grandfather who ran the dojo, though he was more than self-sufficient. His family line is full of history though, and actually traces back to his grandfather leaving Wano and founding Shimotsuki Village. Shimotsuki was one of the many Daimyo of Wano, lords over areas of the country. It’s unknown why he fled the nation all those years ago, but many in Wano mention Zoro’s resemblance.
One Piece World’s Greatest Swordsman

The journey to World’s Greatest Swordsman isn’t a short and easy one. Zoro has trained hard for years at his art, still a novice in the sense of his Three Sword Style development. He’s woefully unprepared when he faces down Hawkeye Mihawk at the Baratie restaurant, and almost dies thanks to his hubris. He’s a proud swordsman through and through though, and earns respect from the Warlord along with mercy. Ever since, Zoro has been on a path to catch up with Mihawk and surpass him as the World’s Greatest Swordsman.
He’s getting damn close too, although it’s still some time away when their paths will cross again. His newly developed King of Hell style allows him to coat his swords in Conqueror and Armament Haki, immensely strengthening them in the process. No doubt he’s even closer to his goal than before after it’s used to take down King of the Beast Pirates.
Zoro Relationships

Zoro takes to everyone differently, but all of the Straw Hat Pirates are seen as his extended family now. Although he doesn’t take to Robin as much at first, by Water 7 he’s determined to win her back. Chopper looks up to him as a big brother, and Zoro gladly accepts the role as the little reindeer cheers him on in battle. Although he has a massive amount of trust and respect for Luffy, he’s not afraid to call his own captain out when he’s up to something really stupid.
Zoro’s greatest rival on the Straw Hats, though, is none other than Sanji. The two started a competitive streak in the Little Garden arc hunting for dinosaurs, and it’s only grown since. While they have a very obvious love and trust for each other, they squabble in the same way brothers around the same age will. The two of them still manage to look out for each other, and trust each other to finish their fights, but they won’t do it without throwing insults the entire time.
Outside of the Straw Hat Pirates Zoro has a rivalry with Tashigi of the Navy. She looks eerily similar to his childhood friend Kuina, and is obsessed with collecting the legendary swords. This will put Zoro in her crosshairs once more soon enough, as he now uses three of them!
The Worst Generation

Zoro is one of only two non-captain members of the Worst Generation. This is the group of pirates that started their journey on the Grand Line around the same time, and all end up on Sabaody when everything goes to hell. The only other non-captain member is Kid’s first mate Killer, whose name makes it pretty clear why he’s featured. Zoro doesn’t think much of it though, and only takes titles seriously when he can use it to make fun of Sanji.
Zoro’s Growth

When Zoro first appeared in the story he was tied up to a post and left without water for weeks. He was very obviously a badass even while a prisoner of the Navy though, and that trait has only grown since. Zoro is constantly training to become stronger, and it shows in his constant powerups when slicing through enemies. Not only has his power grown throughout the story, but his character has had multiple moments of advancement in personality and relationships.
Zoro was initially a friendly character to Luffy and the others in the beginning. He would joke around, nap all the time, and drink far more than any other human ever should be able to. That hasn’t changed much, but he has taken on a better role as a big brother to the Straw Hat Pirates as a whole, at least the younger members. Contrary to what Sanji says, he’s also better at his strategy when it comes to fighting. Zoro was always the first to jump at signs of danger, swords in hand and ready to fight. Now, he actually gets a feel for the situation if it’s not an immediate threat before moving in to strike. He’s still kind of an idiot sometimes, but not as much.
Where is Zoro’s Eye?

Nobody knows! Zoro goes off to the two-year time skip and trains with Mihawk, only to return with a gnarly scar and only one eye open. Anybody that mentions it just gets an shrug and the Straw Hats never really acknowledge it anyway. It’s never open, and still only has speculation around how he lost it. Some think it may just be a self-imposed training or handicap, like Kenpachi Zaraki’s eyepatch in Bleach. Others say he just lost it training with Mihawk, maybe a slip during duels. Then there’s the possibility he just dropped a sword on his face. Who knows?
Zoro Quirks

No, not like My Hero Academia. Each Straw Hat is a strange person with strange little personality quirks that make the character memorable. Here are just some of ol’ Mosshead’s many strange qualities.
- Constantly lost, will find himself in the most ridiculous situations by complete accident. Could not find his way out of a straight hallway if he wanted to, and he doesn’t even care. Zoro often runs the opposite way from fights unintentionally. The Straw Hats now require him to be with a buddy at all times. They even don’t trust him so much Luffy makes Kaku from CP0 go after him!
- Incredible alcohol tolerance- Zoro could probably outdrink Kaido if they really tried. His first priority anywhere they go is to find booze, and he’s always the heaviest drinker during the Straw Hat’s parties. When the Grand Fleet was exchanging cups, Zoro just drank straight from the bowl.
- As one of the three Monster Trio members with Sanji and Luffy, Zoro has stupidly high resilience and strength. He swims in the cold waters of Punk Hazard’s frozen side and slices through a stone tower, for crying out loud. The other part is his stupidly fast healing ability, back from the brink of death after only a couple of days.
Zoro’s Big Fights

Some of the best fights in One Piece belong to Roronoa Zoro, with his life in danger every single time. He pulls through though, and always manages to take down the big bad he needs to with some new powerup he figures out.
- Zoro fought Daz Bones in Alabasta as part of the Baroque Works battles. Bones’ Edge-Edge Fruit makes a formidable challenge for him initially. Eventually, he quickly channels his strength and learns to cut through steel.
- In Enies Lobby he took down Kaku, a skilled swordsman in Cipher Pol 9, an elite government hit squad. Despite their ridiculous power, he cuts through Kaku and his Giraffe-Giraffe Fruit along with a few towers.
- Thriller Bark saw Zoro battle his great ancestor Ryuma, a legendary samurai of Wano. He overcomes the ancient samurai, and earns his sword Shusui in the process.
- His battle in Dressrosa sees him combining his Armament Haki with Three Sword Style. He coats his swords, slicing through stone when he defeats a massive Pica the Stone-Stone Man
- Zoro took his greatest win yet in Wano against the Lunarian King. He overcame his foe that possessed extra resilient skin, wings, and a massive Devil Fruit buff. Zoro combined Conqueror and Armament Haki into his swords to win.
What Next?
One Piece inches closer and closer to the endgame in Laughtale, so Zoro’s goal is on the horizon as well. He swears he’ll be the World’s Greatest Swordsman, so the Straw Hats encounter Cross Guild is definitely on the way. Mihawk and Zoro will no doubt fight it off somewhere near Laughtale. It’s just a question of who will come out of it alive.
For now, check out the adventures of Zoro and the other Straw Hat Pirates in the manga, which releases weekly online through Shonen Jump. The anime airs every Sunday on Crunchyroll, currently in the Egghead Island arc.