The final saga of One Piece is shaking things up for everyone, no matter their alignment. In all of this, the Navy is the one most affected, with many notable Marines doubting the true mission of those they take orders from. So, with the knowledge of the current Egghead Island arc and what may come going forward, these are the Marine’s That Could Change Sides in One Piece.
Warning that this article contains spoilers for One Piece through chapter 1093 of the manga. The entire series is available on MangaPlus and Viz, so catch up before reading on!
9. Smoker

The most likely to turn to Luffy’s side, set up since the very beginning of the series. Smoker has been following the Straw Hats since their little display at Loguetown, and is now the hero of Arabasta. Not that he wants to be though, as Smoker knows that the Straw Hat Pirates are the ones who free Arabasta from Crocodile’s clutches. It gets to him, really badly too, and starts to erode his faith in the Navy since they refuse to acknowledge their own part in the Arabastan Revolution.
Smoker’s faith is only shaken further when the Punk Hazard Incident is again covered up. After his battle against his own fellow Vice-Admiral Vergo, the Navy sweeps things under the rug about the Straw Hats’ involvement and the Punk Hazard incident in general, although it was broadcast live throughout the New World. Unfortunately, Smoker has been absent since Punk Hazard, so there’s no telling what could change in the future.
8. Tashigi

Where Smoker goes, Tashigi usually follows. She was there for the Arabastan Revolution and Punk Hazard Incident, but she’s gotten a few further scenes since then. Tashigi was a central part of the rescue raid on Fullalead Island, helping to free Koby and Charlotte Pudding among others from Blackbeard’s forces. It was her cooperation alongside Koby, Garp, and the others that allowed them to get all the prisoners to safety. She’s become a central part of Sword in her brief time offscreen, but will no doubt play a big part in the final saga.
Her allegiance isn’t in question, as Tashigi has always shown a moral disposition instead of a solid view of justice. She knows that despite his rough and tumble way of doing things, Zoro and the rest of the Straw Hats are good people. She’s also realizing very quickly that the Navy may not be all they say, as the events of Punk Hazard and Arabasta were led by Navy-sanctioned Warlords.
7. Fujitora

He’s taken on Smoker’s role as a foil for the Straw Hats who doesn’t see justice in black and white. However, Fujitora takes it further. Namely, he causes a massive incident in Marijoa, allowing Sabo and the Revolutionaries free dozens, if not hundreds, of slaves. He’s already exiles from most Navy Headquarters anyway because of his part in Dressrosa. All because he allows the Straw Hat Fleet to go free despite having every opportunity to capture them.
He calls down an entire meteor on Marijoa, distracting everyone from the massive slave escape, which is the biggest tell. He’s definitely going to turn on the Marines, as he has no particular allegiance, drafted after the Marineford War. Fujitora will definitely be by the side of the Straw Hat Pirates before the final saga comes to a close.
6. Helmeppo

This goes without saying, since Helmeppo will follow Koby to the ends of the earth at this point in the story. He’s become a steadfast friend to the young Marine Captain, following him into an apprenticeship under Garp that forges their bond as best friends. It’s certainly the opposite of how Helmeppo was first introduced in the story as the asshole son of Ax-Hand Morgan, who Koby would now outrank if he was still in the Navy.
His recent raid on Fullalead was the crowning moment of character development for Helmeppo. He’s proven willing to defy the Navy, no matter what the consequences, just to save one of his friends. That raid takes a heavy price, but they were able to free Koby, Pudding, and other prisoners of Blackbeard. It was all thanks to Helmeppo’s insistence that they rescue his friend.
5. Koby

The greatest character development that plays out mostly off-screen in the series is definitely Koby. At first the young coward is a cabin boy for Alvida, but now a strong Marine Captain under Garp. Koby is a master of Armament and Observation Haki, a hero of the Navy, and versed in the Six Powers. There is zero doubt that he’ll turn against the World Government to fight by Luffy’s side.
The biggest question is what will finally show him the evils of the World Government. Will he get a display of the Egghead Island Incident and what may happen there? Perhaps the reaction to Garp’s actions on Fullalead led to his defection, but there’s no telling. Koby’s strong sense of right and wrong will no doubt lead him to be one of the first to leave.
4. Hina

While she’s more of a background Marine, Hina did have a part in helping Smoker during the Arabastan Revolution. She’s a strong fighter, and seems to align with the ideals of Sword since she knows about their missions. There’s not much else that can be said for her since the Vice-Admiral has been pretty absent onscreen. That said, she’ll likely side with the others after seeing the atrocities of the World Government.
3. Sengoku

One of the most likely to join with the Straw Hat side of things after the World Government’s most recent outburst of chaos. Sengoku knows for quite some time that the orders he takes as Fleet Admiral are somewhat morally grey at best. Especially when he’s had to carry out entire Buster Calls on whims of Celestial Dragons. He also knows the harm the World Government can do through things like the Warlord system, being the adoptive father of Corazon before his unfortunate death at the hands of Doflamingo.
Sengoku is definitely jaded by the Marines after the Marineford War and the fallout from it. There’s no amount of good he feels that can be done to make up for the bloodshed he helped to orchestrate that day. While he’s no longer a Fleet Admiral, Sengoku does hold a more honorary position in the Navy that keeps him near the headquarters.
2. Akainu

This one is more likely to happen than it was just a few weeks ago. Especially because Akainu is going through some major character development. He’s finally realizing that the World Government may not be all they say. That’s in part is thanks to his close proximity to the Celestial Dragons since taking the Fleet Admiral role. His black-and-white view of justice is being tested, especially after Kuma comes rampaging through just days after a disastrous Reverie.
The questions he’s asking are going to be integral to the final saga, as he’s seeing that maybe the institutions he’s upholding aren’t that great. After all the fighting he’s done for this position, after everyone he’s killed in the name of justice, what will he do? Especially when he finds out that it was all for the selfish whims of one person, despite how they’ve told the world the World Government is a democracy of nations.
1. Kizaru

Here’s the one that’s most likely to happen in the next few chapters, if not sooner. Kizaru has said that he’s just a cog in the machine for the Marines, carrying out orders no matter what. He has no qualms about killing his own friends on Egghead Island, following through with the mission. Neither does he care about burning Sentomaru to a crisp in his pursuit of Vegapunk. Is all of this going to weigh on him though? There’s likely going to be a moment somewhere in the Egghead Island incident that snaps Kizaru out of things. It might be just enough to bring him back to his senses and to the Straw Hats side.
As for what that is, only time will tell. Maybe it’s going to be a show of power by the Void Century mecha on Egghead, or even the Awakening of Saint Jay Garcia Saturn’s Devil Fruit. The Egghead Island Incident will be coming to a close in the future chapters of One Piece, and there are promises of a massive, cataclysmic event shaking the Grand Line. So, keep reading One Piece and plenty of Marines will likely be changing over to the Straw Hats’ side soon!