Folks, we made it. The Wano arc of One Piece has officially had a ‘The End’ card, and the four-year, four-month, twenty-day ordeal is finally over. It feels like so much longer, but episode 1085 sums everything up in one eloquent twenty-five minutes. There’s a lot to get into with the Straw Hats’ emotional goodbyes, but first, there are a few other things to go over in the land of Wano.
This article contains spoilers for One Piece. Catch up through Crunchyroll for the anime or Viz for the manga before continuing further!
What Happens in One Piece Episode 1085?

Finally, after four years and almost two hundred episodes, the Wano arc comes to an end in episode 1085. The Straw Hats depart Wano country for Egghead Island, bidding farewell to their friends Momo, Kin, and Yamato as they set out from port. Momo and the others barely manage to make it too, rushing along on his dragon form while they find out that Yamato will be staying in Wano with them.
Meanwhile, the other Wano citizens are taking in a play in the Flower Capitol. It’s one of the long epics the country is known for, telling the new story of Kozuki Momonosuke and the brave Red Scabbards that help him. As the Straw Hats leave, the curtain closes on Wano, showing a victorious nation now free to become who they were meant to be. Free of tyranny, and with the entire future ahead, Wano now awaits their time in the Final Saga to help Luffy.
Straw Hats Depart

After loading up the Thousand Sunny for about three or four episodes now, they’re finally ready to go. All three captains of the Worst Generation set off at the same time, with Law and Kid taking their own routes before sailing out. Of course, there’s a lot more that needs to be said as the Straw Hats leave and another gift they have to give to their friends. When Momo, Kin, and Yamato finally show up, it’s time to show them what Usopp made.
There are also the goodbyes between the three captains and crews that are great character moments. Eustass Kid saying he’ll destroy them, Traffy being stone cold saying goodbye… it’s all perfect. The kicker though was Chopper saying goodbye to Trafalgar Law, his fellow doctor, and just getting no response. We all know Traffy didn’t say goodbye because he’s a big softy at heart though, and didn’t want to cry in front of his crew.
Momo’s Rush to Say Goodbye

While Momo, Kin, and Yamato are making their way to the port, they’re having a long talk about happenings in Wano. Kin of course is going to stick around and support Momo as the Shogun of Wano, but what they don’t know about is Yamato. While he’s been going through a huge ordeal of thinking about where to go next, the others have thought this whole time that he’s joining the Straw Hat Pirates.
That’s why it’s such a surprise that he’s staying in Wano instead. leaving with Luffy. Yamato insists that he’s going to stay in the country, living just like his hero Kozuki Oden did during his youth. It all fits as a great parallel too, as Oden traveled the country helping for quite some time before setting off with the Whitebeard Pirates. Luffy even tells Momo that he’s welcome to
Worst Generation Rivals

One of the biggest disappointments is that the Worst Generation alliance is over, and Traffy, Kid, and Luffy are going their separate ways. While Kid and Law set out a few minutes before the Straw Hat Pirates, they quickly catch up to the other two before reaching the boat lift. With Wano’s ridiculous borders, it’s almost a necessity to use the boat lift to get down, unless they want to risk being smashed to pieces on the rocks and waves spilling over the borders.
Kid promptly challenges the other two captains to do so, calling them wimps if they choose to use the lift. Of course, the other Straw Hats and Heart Pirates desperately try to get their captains in line. It’s all for naught, as Law and Luffy turn their ships to meet Kid’s making the massive leap over the falls of Wano. It’s one of the hilarious pissing contests the captains have, and the last one that’s going to happen for a long, long time.
The Epic of Kozuki Momonosuke

The Land of Wano is already making productions about the new heroes that took back the land from the Dragon King. A play about the Red Scabbards and their fight against Kaido and Orochi is intense and shows just how much admiration the people of Wano have for their new savior. The play goes through the entire epic of Momonosuke’s journey through the raid on Onigashima, even telling the story of how Hiyori and Denjiro took down the evil Kurozumi Orochi.
People of Wano are taken by the new Shogun, who is every image of his late father. Momo runs the country with kindness and humility, knowing that he still has a lot to learn before becoming a great leader. Despite all the power in Wano, Luffy and the Straw Hats made a parting gift for the new Shogun to ensure that the newly free country of Wano doesn’t have anyone messing with it while it repairs itself.
Back to the Sea!

It’s been four years since the Thousand Sunny was sailing outside the borders of Wano, and it’s so refreshing to see. The others obviously aren’t as happy about how they’re going out to sea, of course, and Chopper looks like he’s about to fall off of the Sunny. Nami almost goes after him once they’re jumping off the borders, and it’s likely they may need Franky or Sanji to keep the other Straw Hats in the boat.
It’s going to be really refreshing to see the Sunny back on the sea again. Usually, these are the times when there are some good crew bonding moments, and the next episode is the promise of new bounties! It’s going to be a fun one too because some of the new bounties after Wano are quite the surprise for the other Straw Hats. Poor Chopper just can’t catch a break from being seen as the Straw Hats’ pet.
What’s Next?

The preview for next week’s episode shows that Buggy and Cross Guild will be making their anime debut. This new group is one of the greatest crews on the Grand Line entering the final saga. Consisting of three former Warlords and a few other wanted pirates, Cross Guild makes themselves infamous because of the absolutely insane power play they start in the New World. Much like how Buggy’s Delivery Service was a mercenary group, Cross Guild became a bounty hunter organization. Except this time, the bounties are on high-ranking Marines and World Government officials.
The Straw Hats meanwhile are on their way to their next destination- Egghead Island. They’re going to find out that everything isn’t what it seems though, and some secrets will shake the New World. The first key artwork for the Egghead Island arc looks great though, and it’s going to be one hell of a way to kick off 2024 when the Straw Hats land.
Until then, the journey is going to be the fun part. There’s a lot more to check in on across the Grand Line from the Straw Hats time in Wano, and that will shift focus in the next few episodes. Episode 1085 sees a beautiful goodbye to Wano Country though, and sets things up for the Final Saga that starts with episode 1086!