Can One Piece get more insane in the Egghead Island arc? Chapter 1107 really makes it seem like the bar is constantly being raised, with new developments coming fast every chapter. This week gives a little well-deserved moment for characters like Bonney while highlighting some other newcomers to Egghead Island. It’s a lot to take in, but Chapter 1107 of One Piece has a few surprises that might be important later on.
This article contains spoilers for One Piece. Catch up on Viz or MangaPlus before reading further!
What Happens in One Piece Chapter 1107?

This chapter went all out with the artwork, giving an intro with the first two pages showing the Giant Warrior Pirates. Dorry and Broggy are commanding their troops like old times, taking out the ships for the Buster Call with ease. Back on Egghead Island, Bonney is hopping around in Gear Fifth, with Bonney crying at the image of Nika. As Luffy asks her why she’s crying, he has no idea of the god he actually represents with his Mythical Zoan. He does know that she tried to copy one of his moves earlier, calling it a little flimsy. Instead, he offers to show her how it’s really done.
A Gum-Gum Dawn Gatling rocks Saint Jay Garcia Saturn halfway across the island. He lands in the midst of rubble, with two mysterious figures approaching, one touching Saturn’s massive spider leg. It’s Caterina Devon and Van Augur of the Blackbeard Pirates, although they don’t clarify, they say they have what they came for. Considering Devon’s powers to copy people with her Mythical Zoan, if she has the Gorosei’s likeness now that could cause major trouble. A final check-in with Jimbei and Zoro shows that Zoro is still going at it with Lucci too, though it seems he hasn’t been very serious until now.
Giant Warrior Pirates

Finally finding out in the last chapter that it was the Giant Warrior Pirates attacking the Buster Call Fleet was wild. Now seeing them in action, actively destroying ships wherever they look. It was the longest shot for Dorry and Broggy to both show up at Egghead, of all the people that could, and it’s glorious to see. They’re absolutely showing why they were terrors on the sea a century before the main story, with their other members gathered behind them once more. That’s not all the Giant Warrior Pirates offered though, because their biggest fan just got to see them in action.
Usopp’s reaction to seeing his heroes battling to rescue them was amazing. He’s always been a fanboy of the Giants ever since they met back in Little Garden, but this is just another level. Usopp is going to have so many stories to tell them once they get everyone away from Egghead, and it’s going to be great to see that they’ve followed the Straw Hat Pirates’ adventures all this time.
Bonney Sees Nika

When Bonney finally sees Luffy in his full Gear Fifth form, it’s the moment she’s been waiting her entire life for. While Luffy is bouncing around and generally uncaring as usual, Bonney’s cries finally reach his ears. The moment where he asks her why she’s crying is already typical unaware Luffy. Following up with Bonney calling Luffy Nika, saying she’s been looking for him this whole time, is amazing though. Luffy has no idea who Nika is, or even that his Devil Fruit has a hidden name as the Human-Human Fruit at this point. It’s just hilarious that the Devil Fruit he holds is the basis of a religion. Especially one the World Government has been trying to wipe out for eight hundred years.
Meanwhile, Luffy was able to see much of the fight while he was immobile on the ground. He saw Bonney’s attempt at her own Nika-like attack, using her Distorted Future. Now that he’s juiced up and ready to go, she wants to see a real attack from Nika. Saturn calls them all fools, but it’s the last word he gets in. Instead Luffy pulls out the newest Gear Fifth special attack.
Gum-Gum Dawn Gatling

Luffy inflates both of his fists into massive balloons, covering them in Armament Haki before spinning rapidly. The Gum-Gum Dawn Gatling is like a massive wind-up shot that knocks Saturn across the freaking island of Egghead. It’s one of the stronger attacks we’ve seen from Luffy so far in Gear Give. Although it doesn’t come anywhere near the massive power of the Gum-Gum Bajrang Gun. It’s enough to let Bonney see the powers of Nika in action though, and she’s even more motivated to move forward than ever before. Unfortunately, she may be doing it without someone else.
Vegapunk’s Injuries
The poor doctor is in bad shape, which isn’t much of a surprise after what Saturn did to him. The massive hole in his body would kill anyone, but especially a man as small as him. Bonney wants to move them somewhere safe before Saturn makes his way back to the fight. However, Vegapunk knows his time has come. The injury he has is fatal, and if they move him, it’s just going to hasten his death. It’s the type of wound that can’t be shifted in any way, or all of Vegapunk’s guts will spill over the ground. If they haven’t already, that is.
Saturn got his intended goal though, mortally wounding the good doctor and exterminating knowledge about the Void Century. Now what remains to be seen is how Vegapunk goes out, and will he give any last words before Saturn comes back? Hell, it’s questionable if the other satellites can live without Vegapunk, especially considering they’re all parts of the same brain that’s constantly growing. Hopefully at least one can make it out alive. Although not everyone is gone from the battlefield yet, and a massive bolt of light comes rushing at them from Kizaru.
Sanji Steps In

As the laser beam shot by Kizaru is flashing toward them, Bonney and Franky’s don’t expect to survive. Then Sanji comes in and blocks an entire freakin’ laser beam with a kick. Boom, totally deflecting it away into the sky. There wasn’t even Haki coated on his leg as far as we know. All that was just the pure strength of his Germa anatomy. If that’s the case, then holy crap does Sanji have some power to bring to the Straw Hats now. His quip about how love is stronger than light is classic Sanji too. It at least gave him a pretty campy but badass entrance to the fight.
It’s about time Sanji got a good moment of being a badass too. Especially because Wano for him was an existential nightmare. Now he’s the cool, confident Sanji once more, knowing his abilities and being in full control of the situation. He has the same vibe just like back in Enies Lobby or Arabasta. He’ll still have to fight his rival Zoro for the number two spot on the Straw Hats, though. First though he needs to reclaim number three from Jimbei.
Zoro v Lucci

Speaking of Jimbei, he’s still on his search to find Zoro, locked in battle against an Awakened Rob Lucci. The Cat-Cat Fruit, Model: Leopard is dangerous as is. But the Awakening form is pushing Rob Lucci into whole new levels of viciousness. As wild as it is though, Zoro asks Lucci if he really thought he was in control of this fight. That means he could turn the tides any time he wants, potentially terrifying the otherwise unaware Rob Lucci. It’s likely Lucci hasn’t seen Zoro’s newest moves, and the Pirate Hunter hasn’t bothered with letting loose just yet.
Considering the amount of taunting that Lucci was doing to Zoro, it’s kind of amazing the swordsman was letting it slide. Lucci was going all in, telling him that the crew should leave him behind. Even going so far as saying that Zoro would never make it back. But the only thing that keeps Zoro from getting back to his crew is his own sense of direction. The battle keeps going, but the chapter cuts away to check in on everything else happening first.
Buster Call Status

The Buster Call is absolutely not going as planned for anyone on Egghead Island or off. The Giant Pirates are blowing everyone apart, and many of the Vice-Admirals are going down one after another. it’s not going to be long before the entire fleet gets called off at this rate, especially considering the events going on further inland. Hell, even Kizaru is flabbergasted at this point after Sanji blocks his laser beam, making the classic face of surprised terror One Piece is known for.
Why Are the Blackbeard Pirates on Egghead?

This is probably the greatest new question for One Piece in chapter 1107. The Blackbeard Pirates manage to show up right where Saint Jay Garcia Saturn lands after he takes Luffy’s Dawn Gatling attack. While he’s still stunned, Catarina Devon touches the massive spider leg, effectively allowing her to steal Saturn’s visage. Thanks to her Mythical Dog-Dog Fruit, Model: Nine-Tailed Fox, she could now sneak into the Holy City. While looking just the same see as the Gorosei himself. Although it’s unclear if that’s why she and Van Augur are on the island in the first place, that’s definitely a heavy bet on their goal there.
Otherwise, they know about the Seraphim already. So, it’s possible that impersonating a Gorosei could have the same effect to override their command. It’s obviously worth a shot, and could turn the tides of battle in Blackbeard’s favor. The only other thing that they could be there for may somehow relate to the Straw Hats. Maybe perhaps they’re searching for Void Century info. Either way, the Blackbeard Pirates have been showing up a lot more lately. Because apparently, there are some new reveals for Blackbeard himself.
Blackbeard’s Lineage

Chapter 1107 of One Piece closes out with an exchange about Blackbeard’s special lineage, though nobody clarifies it. That lineage could be nearly anything. Then there was a moment there where it was possible they could have taken his Devil Fruit. It’s no stretch that they probably would have if Saturn was more injured. However as things are right now, it seems that Augur barely got them out in time. Apparently, his Warp-Warp Fruit is still relatively new, and he’s still learning.
Blackbeard’s lineage could possibly relate to one of the ancient races already seen like the Buccaneers. It would be quite the stark opposite of how Kuma looks and acts, but it is possible. The Gorosei seem to think there’s something about Teach that makes him special. All of it could relate back to his Devil Fruit abilities. There has to be some reason he’s able to take on two Devil Fruits. Now especially since it’s known to kill others who try. Either way, they warp away as soon as Saturn tries for an attack. Although they aren’t as alone as they think on the way back.
Caribou’s Plea

After hitchhiking through the New World alongside the Straw Hats for most of the second half of One Piece, Caribou is done. He runs up to Devon and Augur as they’re leaving Egghead Island, begging them to take him back to see Blackbeard. From what he says, Teach is the main inspiration for Caribou to become a pirate, and he’s always dreamed of serving on his crew. Devon and Augur don’t seem to be sure right off the bat, but it could be that Caribou is destined to hop to another Emperor’s crew immediately.
As far as his motivations, it’s possible Caribou could have something else up his sleeve. Maybe he has information to pass to Kuzan, still unknown if he’s an undercover SWORD operative. Garp is likely still in Teach’s capture too, so there could be overlap there as he tells the Vice-Admiral about his Emperor grandson. One important thing though- Caribou knows about the Ancient Weapons in Wano, and he could reveal that to Teach. It wouldn’t be a great time for Wano to be invaded by another Emperor’s crew, that’s for sure.
Chapter 1107 closes out on Caribou’s lingering plea with the Blackbeard Pirates, with no break coming for One Piece next week. Egghead should start hitting the peak of this battle in the next couple of chapters with Luffy taking on Saturn head-on. Meanwhile, a Sanji versus Kizaru match seems to be on the horizon as well, plus the fallout of Lucci versus Zoro. It’s unlikely that the pace of One Piece is slowing down any time soon either way, and the next chapters are going to hit hard!