There’s quite the spectrum. between One Piece this week regarding the anime and manga, as chapter 1095 is incredibly dark. The situation on Egghead Island is heating up, with Saint Saturn just beginning his attack, but a TON of lore comes racing in during the latter half. So, what’s going on in One Piece chapter 1095 that has such impactful story implications?
Warning that this contains full spoilers for chapter 1095 of One Piece, available to read on MangaPlus and Viz online. Catch up there before reading on!
What Happens in One Piece Chapter 1095?

A lot, and that’s even by One Piece standards which is already a lot. The events of Egghead Island are reaching above boiling, and Saturn is in full Awakening form right in the middle. Bonney’s attack does next to nothing to him, and he pulls the sword out just for his blood to disappear. It’s definitely terrifying and shows the sheer power that Saturn holds during the battle.
Then the series flashes back to forty-five years before, to Bartholomew Kuma’s childhood. It’s incredibly tragic and sets up even more that the Warlord is on the Straw Hats’ side the entire time. He’s been the hero of this series since Sabaody Archipelago, or even Thriller Bark, and it’s amazing how much he’s survived as a former slave. Oh, then there’s the nice addition that the Celestial Dragons are always much worse than previously believed, so that’s nice.
Saturn Attacks

Last week was probably the most insane reveal One Piece has pulled in a long time, with Saint Jay Garcia Saturn pulling out one hell of a Devil Fruit ability. He’s incredibly strong, bursting soldiers’ heads by just looking at them, and pulling a sword out like it was nothing. Honestly, he tells the Straw Hats he wants to see if fortune can pan out for them this time, and it’s looking incredibly likely that it may not. There are only so many times Luffy can go in and out of Gear Fifth in one day, and he’s hitting his limits hard.
Bonney is in big danger, but props to Franky for standing up against a Gorosei solo to save his captain. Even Sanji is down after the hit from Saturn, and the others feel like they’re not even able to move. It’s probably due to some kind of Haki, but that remains to be seen and could be Saturn’s Devil Fruit. Despite how insane this fight is getting though, it’s just starting.
Kizaru Disappoints

Kizaru is definitely not in the good graces of the Gorosei right now. Not being able to take down Luffy isn’t a good look for the current longest-serving Admiral, and Saturn makes it apparent. That’s one hell of a burn from Saturn too, telling Kizaru that he was too slow to get his job done. Not that anyone can blame him, considering he was going up the reincarnation of the Sun God Nika and all.
Meanwhile, everyone else is trying to go to the rescue of Bonney, who doesn’t give a damn if she survives or not. As long as she can have revenge for her father, Bonney doesn’t care about her life, and she just wants to kill Saturn now. That’s when things flash back to reveal the tragic history of Bartholomew Kuma decades in the making.
Kuma’s Tragedy

Yeah, Kuma has been a hero of One Piece this entire time, but holy crap does his backstory drive it home even further. It’s heartbreaking! He’s the last of his race, the half-child of an ancient bloodline called Buccaneers who worship Nika. When eventually the Celestial Dragons take him and the entire family as slaves for their strength and their race’s betrayal of the Celestials long ago. Even as slaves though, Kuma’s father keeps him going with stories about Nika, and how he brings joy and freedom with a drum beat wherever he goes.
Then it’s during one of these talks about Nika, trying to cheer Kuma up, that the Celestials shoot his father in the head, killing him. Right in front of the poor child, who carries that trauma until the flash forward again to seven years later in God Valley.
Is Figarland Shanks’ Dad?

Look, when Saint Figarland Garling was introduced with the distinctive red hair in the present day, rumors swirled. Then there were little hints in Film Red. Shanks has been such a mystery since he first appears in the series. Now it’s just getting even more damning as questions surface about who he could really be. There’s no telling what Shanks could be capable of with Celestial Dragon blood. It raises even more questions about what he’s doing as a pirate wanted dead or alive.
This flashback just makes things more muddled too! The younger version of Figarland Garling is the spitting image of Shanks without the hairstyle. He’s incredibly strong too, eradicating the king of God Valley while barely. stepping foot on the land. Garling has no hesitation to kill and seems to have a disposition of indifference to hyperviolence. So, much like the other Celestial Dragons.
Population Eradication Game

Speaking of the indifference to violence, the Celestial Dragons just keep getting worse and worse. They’re despicable beyond belief at this point, as the Population Eradication Game perpetrates God Valley. This event takes place every three years, Celestial Dragons choosing an independent country to hunt down the population. In the end, they install their own monarch for the World Government, after it’s completely devastated for sport.
Seriously, how much further can the Celestial Dragons go? Slavery is already top-tier evil, then there’s the rampant hunger and genocide they allow in the name of tribute. Then, they go and establish that they’re the worst of the worst “Most Dangerous Game”-style by hunting down civilians that have no hope of protecting themselves and killing any who disagree. It’s just so bleakly dystopian it’s hard to believe they’ve kept it up for eight hundred years.
God Valley Begins

The big event that’s been hyped up since before the time skip, God Valley is about to go wild. The giant battle that brought together the Roger Pirates, Marines, and Figarland Garling to fight the Rocks Pirates is here. There are already huge lore implications happening too, because a young Bartholomew Kuma is at God Valley. He’s one of the problematic slaves to be hunted along with the population of the island.
Except he meets two people who are going to change that- Jinny and Emporio Ivankov. Of course, everyone knows that Iva and Kuma are both founders of the Revolutionary Army alongside Monkey D Dragon. Jinny looks awfully familiar to a couple of characters, though. This brings up some big questions, as she could be the mother of two characters possibly, or even both if there’s a big enough twist on the way. Still, that’s going to be something to explore in another chapter.
Chapter 1095 closes out with more questions than it began, and fans are about to be pissed. Next week is a break week, a curse that manga readers know well, so don’t expect a new chapter until two weeks from now. That said, there are plenty of reveals in 1095 that are going to give fans something to speculate, and we have a few theories of our own when it comes to One Piece!