Wow, things are getting a little wild on Egghead Island as the battle between the Straw Hats and the Navy heats up! There’s a mad dash on all levels of the island as the Straw Hats are trying to leave and the Navy is making their way to assassinate Vegapunk. So, time to get into all the action in One Piece chapter 1093!
Of course, this will contain spoilers for One Piece through chapter 1093, which is available from Viz and MangaPlus online. Definitely read it before moving to the rest of the article!
What Happens in One Piece Chapter 1093?

One Piece is starting to inevitably run into the problem the Raid on Onigashima faced, which is that so much is going on it’s hard to keep track. Luffy saves the Straw Hats in the lab just in time as Kizaru is bearing down on them, coming back in Gear Fifth just to grab the Admiral and throw him. It’s certainly not his brightest move to throw a being that can turn into light and move at the same speed, but Luffy’s never been the smartest. Kizaru manages to come right back with some light clones, but that’s not the worst of their issues right now.
When Kizaru threw Bonney in the previous chapter, she went through the barrier and fell to the lower island. Atlas and Vegapunk make a mad dash after her for a rescue effort, while Atlas makes it her mission to reassume control of the Pacifista so they don’t target the Straw Hats. Poor Pythagoras is up in the Labosphere trying to see all this through and barely hanging on. Things aren’t looking good for the Straw Hats while they’re scattered all across the island.
Luffy vs Kizaru

This is the third fight for Gear Fifth to come out and wow us in, with the last one being back near the beginning of Egghead Island. Sure, tossing the Admiral away like a fastball doesn’t get very far, but at least there was an attempt of sorts. Kizaru’s light clones were definitely unexpected though, and an interesting power to display as the Admiral went straight for Usopp instead of attacking Luffy directly.
Hopefully, Luffy doesn’t wear himself out of Gear Fifth too quickly in the battle, as there’s likely still a lot to be done. Jimbei and Sanji were finishing loading something up for Vegapunk, meanwhile, Luffy is still going at it with Kizaru. How much does he have left in him after using Snakeman right before going into Gear Fifth though?
Sentomaru’s Fate

When Bonney falls from the Labosphere to the island below, she lands right in front of a burning Sentomaru. Vegapunk’s protege and creator of the Pacifistas gave it his all in the fight against Kizaru and even then managed to still stay standing long enough to warn Bonney about the Navy. Now all she can do is sit and hide while the Marines make their way around her, though she fights back where she can by aging them older or younger to keep them at bay.
Vegapunk actually confirms the long-held theory about Bonney being younger when he mentions that he won’t leave a “poor little girl” to die. Everyone has speculated for a time that Bonney only looks older due to her Devil Fruit, which allows her to age others up or down as she chooses. She’s used it to look like an old lady before to sneak into Marijoa, but this has to be using a massive amount of strength from her.
Zoro vs Lucci

There’s not much of a glimpse into this fight except for Zoro insulting Lucci and Lucci doing the same right back. They’re going at it pretty hard, and Zoro has all three swords out so the battle is definitely serious. He also doesn’t want Luffy butting in though, and tells him to focus on Kizaru instead. It would be crazy after all this time to see Zoro possibly best Lucci in a fight, seeing as he’s always been a Luffy-centric antagonist when it comes to their battles.
Escape Plans

Everything now is going to come down to getting Vegapunk off Egghead Island and away from the Navy. Unfortunately, Vegapunk thinks that he’s the highest authority in the area right now for the Pacifistas to obey, but he doesn’t realize just how wrong he is. While Vegapunk and Atlas are soaring toward the lower part of the island, Jay Garcia Saturn is on a Navy ship just off the island shore. There’s not much hope for them with a member of the Gorosei there, as they have the ultimate authority over the Pacifista and Seraphim.
Things don’t look great for the Straw Hats or numerous Vegapunks on the island of Egghead. There are about to be a lot of problems in a very short amount of time, and Luffy is already running long on his time in Gear Fifth. Hopefully, the great Egghead Island incident teased at the beginning of the arc isn’t a Straw Hat defeat, as chapter 1093 ends on a cliffhanger!