Can Devils Die? The sound of a revving chainsaw is one of the most terrifying things for a Devil to hear. It strikes fear into the dark hearts of beings made from fear in the first place. Denji and crew have sliced and shredded enough to fill Hell multiple times, but what happens to Public Safety Division kills Devils? Can something really be sent to Hell if it was born there in the first place?
Where are the devils coming from ?
In the world of Chainsaw Man, all Devils are born in Hell from some concept of human fear, whether that be the fear of the dark, sharks, or for some strange reason, tomatoes. Even the most harmless thing has someone that’s afraid of it. when that fear grows enough, a Devil is born. The Devil roams in Hell among other Devils, unless it finds a way to the human world or is killed.
Devils live in what is essentially a constant cycle of reincarnation, they’re reborn on Earth when killed in Hell. Then they’re reborn in Hell when killed on Earth. Time between reincarnations vary, depending on the Devil. The more powerful the Devil is, the easier it is to get to the human world in some form. This is what allows powerful Devils like the Four Horsemen to exist on earth throughout history, waiting to begin the apocalypse.
Can Devils Die Permanently?
Considering the endless cycle of reincarnation, Public Safety fights a losing battle. Especially the more powerful ones like the Gun Devil and Darkness Devil, those that feed off humans’ fears of violence and primal instincts? Thankfully, there’s a permanent solution to most Devils, and it’s Chainsaw Man’s cutest little Devil to ever live, Pochita.
He can’t just simply kill the Devils though, because of course it can’t be that easy. While Denji has used the powers of Chainsaw Man to kill many Devils, they don’t truly die. The Eternity Devil and Bat Devil even come back for revenge in the manga’s second part that’s currently running. Reincarnation doesn’t necessarily mean an increase in strength, though.
Chainsaw: The Ultimate Devil

No, the only method to permanently kill a Devil is for the Chainsaw Devil to devour it, erasing the name and concept of the Devil from reality and history alike. Pochita was the most feared Devil in Hell thanks to his ability to eat other Devils. Makima says that she can barely remember many of the Devils already eaten, with the other Four Horsemen as well. That hasn’t kept the War Devil from forgetting one of her greatest allies. The Nuclear Weapons Devil was eaten before the story, along with most of War herself. Now, she wants Chainsaw to puke them up.
That’s only one instance of the Devils Pochita has made meals out of. The Nazi Devil, Sixth Sense Devil, and others devoured before he came across Denji in that graveyard so long ago. Now, Pochita and Denji are in the crosshairs of the Four Horsemen, Primal Devils, and even some Devil Hunters. The two will have to use their wits and strength to make it out and fulfill their contract.