One Piece is an anime full of perilous adventures that require some serious fire power. When traversing the unknown, there is a wide range of hostiles ready to make a move at a moments notice, each with their own means to settle a score. Weapons throughout the series are not simply objects to attack with, but they are sought after as treasure. So, knowing this, what are the best weapons in the anime? More specifically, what are the most lethal weapons in One Piece? Let get into it.
9. Devil Fruits

Devil Fruits come in various shapes and colors, all with patterns or swirl marks. There are more than 100 different fruits in the world. Devil Fruits provide the user of the fruit exceptional powers such as being able to control vibrations, create damaging shockwaves, create intense gravitational fields and crush their opponents. The Devil Fruits can be combined making the user a difficult, almost impossible, opponent to defeat. Since these fruits possess certain powers, they are very sought after. Blackbeard killed the captain of Whitebeard to get his hands on one of the fruits.
The most common types of fruit are Paramecia, which grants user superhuman powers. Giving users the ability to transform into specific animals. Logia, the rarest and most powerful of the fruits allows users to control and transform their body into a natural element. In the series, Marshall D. Teach uses two of these immensely powerful devil fruits; Tremor-Tremor Fruit (Gura Gura no Mi) and Dark-Dark Fruit (Yami Yami no Mi). Devil Fruits are the source of power for some of the strongest people such as Blackbeard, Whitebeard and Kaido.
8. Ancient Weapons

The three ancient weapons are Pluton, Poseidon and Uranus. They are lethal weapons which could be used to rule over the world, or destroy it. These ancient weapons are capable of reshaping the world. The search of the warship, Pluton, is part of the main plot and, when found, the ship could change the trajectory of the world. Poseidon is a powerful weapon because of Sea Kings’ destructive abilities such as being able to sink entire islands easily.
7. Supreme Grade Swords

The Supreme Grade Swords are incredibly powerful swords. There are a total of 12 swords. Out of the 12 only 4 are revealed. Ace, the cutlass sword is an important sword, belonging to the King of the Pirates, Gol D. Roger. Yoru is one of the strongest swords in the world. It is in use by the “Strongest Swordsman in the World”, Dracule Mihawk and is superior to other swords. Shodai Kitetsu is in renown for its incredible strength (making it the perfect knife for cutting your fruits). Although, the disadvantage of this great sword is its curse, causing whoever wields it to sign their life away. Murakumogiri is one of the most powerful weapon and is on record to be extremely durable, showing no signs of degradation even two years after Whitebeard’s death.
6. 21 Great Grade Swords

They are the highest quality of the swords in the world, after the 12 Supreme Grade Swords. These swords have immense power, durability and strength. One of the swords, Enma, is an ancient sword once owned by the legendary samurai Kozuki Oden. Enma is a very huge, powerful and sharp weapon, which absorbs the wielder’s ‘Haki’ and enhances its power but makes the sword hard to control and acts as a physical threat to the wielder.
Shusui was wielded by the great samurai ‘Shimotsuki Ryuma’. It is classified to be able to amplify the wielder’s powers and deal heavy blows. Ame no Habakiri (Feathery Cutter of Heaven) is crafted by one of the greatest swordsmiths of Wano, Kozuki Sukiyaki and wielded by Kozuki Oden. It is one of the two swords to ever injure Kaido in his dragon form. All these swords showcase the power of the swords falling under this category.
5. Ungraded Blades

There are certain swords, that although do not fall into a certain grade, are still very powerful swords. Hassaikai is a weapon in posession by the ‘Strongest Creature’ of the world. The size of the Kanabo is befitting of its owner, Kaido who is 23ft 4in, member of the Four Emperors. Kaido uses the weapon as a melee attack. By channeling the Haoshoku Haki through the weapon, he is able to send his opponents flying through great distances.
4. Pacifista

Cyborgs created by Marine head scientist, Dr. Vegapunk, Pacifista are human weapons. They are in a form of metal stronger than steel. Also, they appear to look like Warlord Bartholomew Kuma. The Pacifista identifies pirates due to their uniques design. They emit laser beams from their mouth and hands, which is lethal and can cause massive explosions.
3. Clima-Tact

Created by Usopp, the Clima-Tact is a staff with three parts. The weapon is in use by Nami, who uses it to manipulate the weather around her and help her crew on their adventures. All three parts of the weapon have different properties. The poles are the Heat Pole, Cool Pole and Electric Pole Primarily the clima-tact makes various weather related attacks such as Heat Ball, Cool Ball and the Thunder Ball. Nami also used her creativity and knowledge to create attacks like Cyclone Tempo, Mirage Tempo, Thunderbolt Tempo. Tornado Tempo and Fog Tempo.
2. Shinokuni

A unique chemical weapon, known as the Land of Death, the Shinokuni’s maker is Caesar Clown, a former scientist and villain. It is essentially H2S gas which makes it an ethically immoral weapon to use especially since it is incredibly powerful and destructive.
1. Dials

Dials are weird devices, which have the ability to store energy and these shellfish looking pieces, may also be a utility in combat. They have multiple functions such as storing aromas too. The Impact Dial can be hit with any blunt object and it stores the kinetic energy. When the tip of the dial recieves pressure, the blunt force stored escapes causing internal damage to the body. However, this dial is not as dangerous as the Reject Dial, which is a more rare and dangerous version of the Impact Dial. When it is used, all the energy that is stored up till that point is released, which is increased by a lot. The dial causes damage hazardous enough to damage the body of an inexperienced user, which is why its use is more rare.
There is large discussion amongst the fans as to which weapon is the best weapon in One Piece but it is clear that in that very heated discussion many of the weapons discussed in this list will be mentioned numerous times. Like its storyline and characters, the weapons in One Piece are worthy to be gushed over.