Okay, so Battlebit: Remastered on Steam isn’t Roblox, but it was made to be a simplistic tribute to the FPS greats that inspired it and that’s a promise it delivers on with intricate gameplay. Inspired by Battlefield primarily, with its more realistic, sim-like tactics that required more in-depth strategy to play, but including that little dash of goofiness that the Battlefield games employed early on.

Is Battlebit Remaster Really a Remaster?
Battlebit: Remastered is a little confusing since it’s really not a remaster of anything, but a completely original game on Steam with a very retro/low-poly look that gives it a distinct advantage over others in more ways than one. The result is a complex, detailed FPS that is essentially a war simulator, from small to large-scale battles.
The game offers the usual FPS game modes- King of the Hill, Capture the Flag, and just the basic team battle, but this time with variations on the size of battles. The game can feature team deathmatch fights with up to 127 players per team, with a 254-player total in-game. There are also options for 128-player battles or 64-player skirmishes, each requiring different levels of strategy and cooperation to win.
In addition to the typical variety of guns, with arsenals of explosives to back them up, Battlebit: Remastered features land, air, and sea combat for an extra authentic experience in all its basic visual glory. This surprisingly makes it a little easier to play for those that don’t have access to a gaming computer, because this game could run on a toaster from 1975 and players could still pick up a win that way. Players of the early access version have run matches with little trouble on budget laptops, giving everyone a chance to get into the war.
Is Battlebit Remastered like Battlefield?
What’s exciting fans of old-school FPS games, especially the Battlefield series, is the fully destructible environment that every map offers, allowing players to break through walls to take enemies by surprise or level a building full of enemy snipers. Every building is fully accessible too, leading to close-quarters combat situations and some strategic variety. That’s not to say it’s all just the same though, with maps offering multiple different terrains from an American suburb to desert and beach battles throughout the different game modes.
Most importantly, with the varied terrain and vehicles, there’s room for every player to find a specialty. The game follows a typical experience and leveling system, allowing players to upgrade classes and weapons with scopes, larger mags, silencers, and other various extensions to allow freedom of gameplay between those that prefer things up close or like to hang back and fight.
Where to Play Battlebit: Remastered
Battlebit: Remastered is out in Early Access on Steam as of June 15, with millions of players hopping onto the sleeper hit as its gained exposure from the streaming and Youtube community for both the large-scale battles and usually hilarious results of the chaos that goes down during battles. Future players beware because the trend of speeding across the map in a jeep while plowing through every player in sight is a popular tactic carried over from Battlefield 3 and will lead to many, many frustrating deaths.
The game is available for $14.99 on Steam right now, with future updates and DLC planned as it goes through Early Access. While no other consoles have been confirmed, it could just be a matter of time to have the newest indie to blow up on Steam into more players’ hands.