Technique types are the strategists of One Piece Pirate Warriors 4. These characters might not make the most powerful fighters, but their abilities can do much more good in a battle. All with different abilities meant for everything from support to crowd control, these are the best Technique Type characters to play as in One Piece Pirate Warriors 4!
9. Ivankov

Iva isn’t the fastest character, but his hits will pack a punch and cover a wide area. Most of his attacks will involve him rushing forward to hit enemies with his face, and it’s surprisingly effective. Between that, he has a few Devil Fruit abilities, but most of his power is focused on his special attacks. Galaxy Wink will easily clear a wide area if at any point players find themselves overwhelmed.
8. Tony Tony Chopper

It feels like Chopper could have so much more for his move set. Even with things stuck in the post-time skip his portfolio just seems barebones. Most of his attacks utilize Kung-Fu Point, which seems to be Chopper’s default form during the New World. It’s not bad, and when he’s given enough time and effort to level up he can be a good character to play as.
Chopper’s true power lies in his support abilities though. He’s able to take his doctoring skills to the next level and heal allies across the battlefield. He also gets a Full-Force Burst that allows him to counter enemy attacks automatically in Kung-Fu Point. Surprisingly, there’s only one special attack that involves Monster Point which is kind of a letdown.
7. Boa Hancock

Hancock is one of the best Technique types to play in a multiplayer match, especially if other players take on Power-type characters. Her Devil Fruit abilities allow her to change enemies into stone, firing heart arrows all around her whether it’s in regular moves or special attacks. Male enemies on the battlefield turned to stone stay that way for about fifteen seconds too, which allows plenty of time to punish enemy squads and take over territory.
Boa Hancock is probably the character to start with if new to Technique types. An easy learning curve, relatively simple moveset, and overall usefulness of her abilities make her a solid choice for beginner players.
6. Buggy the Clown

The Clown Emperor of the Sea takes a little time and investment to get into a good spot to play as. Once he’s there though, he’s worth it because Buggy packs a punch more explosive than the biggest Buggy Ball. They aren’t in short supply playing as him either, as the mini-Buggy Balls play into his normal attacks. One of his finishing moves for a combo is even rolling a giant Buggy Ball in, running his legs on top of it to roll and gather enemies before exploding further away. It’s like playing a more explosive game of Katamari Damacy.
Buggy’s Chop-Chop Fruit is the star of the circus, and his Full-Force Burst allows automatic counters. With a little time put into his skill map to raise stamina and strength, Buggy is more deadly in One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 game than he is in the main story!
5. Nico Robin

The Demon Child of Ohara is probably one of the more enjoyable Technique-type characters to play as. Her moveset is great for everything from close to long range, and she’s able to sweep crowds with her massive Bloom-Bloom Fruit abilities. She has a bit of a learning curve due to the nature of her moveset and how her attacks work. Once her combos are second nature Robin truly becomes the demon her name is worthy of.
Her special attacks are amazing too, as she has a couple of different Defensive Specials and Full-Force Burst attacks that can change things in moments. One of the better ones is when she sends hand butterflies out in her radius, with each one grabbing onto enemies for massive damage and stun effect. Then there’s the field of hands she sprouts to hold enemies in place while they’re being beaten.
4. Usopp

Good to note that Usopp is one of the few characters to have Pre/Post time skip move sets. The pre-time skip one isn’t great, and really struggles against crowds of enemies and one on one. When in either Sniper King or Usopp’s New World costume, his move set changes to post-time skip and gets a massive boost to power and speed.
Usopp is great for setting traps for enemies, able to set up his many plants across the battlefield. These can range from regular carnivorous plants to flame-spewing ones, but each is great for taking out crowds of people. Most of Usopp’s specials carry some sort of status effect with them, whether it be burn, poison, or just simply stunning the enemies. He’s great for multiplayer, especially when teamed with a Power or Speed type.
3. Kuzan

The former Admiral doesn’t play around. He has the same moveset regardless of his outfit, but he focuses on freezing wide areas of enemies. When everyone around is frozen, it’s time to unload with his much stronger attacks, which include weapons made from ice as he slides through the battlefield shattering former enemies. His attacks have super far-reaching abilities, and his Ice Age finisher for combos is able to freeze the entire screen in one good charge.
That’s basic-level Kuzan too, as his Full-Force Burst activates his Chilly-Chilly Fruit abilities. He assumes his ice Logia form, and every enemy Kuzan comes into contact with freezes on the spot. It’s easy to just go slicing through enemies as they freeze in waves when he gets close, but even more so when activating his various special attacks in the middle of a massive frozen crowd.
2. Trafalgar D Law

Law is just as deadly in One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 as he is in the anime. His Op-Op Fruit abilities take center stage, with his swordsmanship as a secondary ability. Attacks fly fast, and when his ROOM pops up on the battlefield everyone inside is bound for doom. Whether it’s trading out enemy heads for cannonballs or just stealing all of their hearts to replenish their own health, Law is able to traverse the battlefield with ease while cutting through enemies left and right.
When his Full-Force Burst is active it not only increases his strength, but also the radius of his ROOM. Now it’s big enough to cover entire areas of the battlefield, almost taking over the entire screen. Law can use this to spin them around wildly or even just use his Shock Wille to take out huge groups all at once.
1. Nami

No Technique-type character can compare to Nami, and she proves it in every iteration. Her early pre-time skip moveset is okay, utilizing her basic weather baton abilities and the Weather Egg, but her post-time skip moveset is immaculate. She utilizes lightning and wind, able to create cyclones to draw in enemies before shocking them to death. Just make sure to finish out the story mode in Pirate Warriors 4, as this unlocks her best special attacks.
Her first Full-Force Burst makes a Weather Egg that floats above Nami, occasionally sending out lightning toward nearby enemies. After she acquires Zeus though, her attacks go to another level. A Full-Force Burst allows Zeus to rampage around Nami, with massive bolts of purple lightning striking enemies across the screen. Nami almost becomes unstoppable with Zeus, and she’s a match for the strongest of Power types.
Technique types might not be the most powerful in One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 right from the start, but they’re great support. These characters, if given the proper time and dedication, can all become powerful monsters in battle. Each of these Technique types is guaranteed to take players to victory in Pirate Warriors 4, no matter how hard the battle gets.
One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 is available to buy on Steam, Xbox One, Playstation 4, and Nintendo Switch.