Wano Country’s decisive clash is just heating up in One Piece’s anime adaptation! Luffy enters the final showdown with Kaido as he knocks Yamato out of the fight. First though, with Luffy’s typical bluntness, he asks Yamato to join the Straw Hats! Will he take go sailing with the Straw Hats just as his hero Oden did with Gold Roger long ago?
The answer isn’t quite so clear cut, unfortunately. The child of Kaido, locked up his entire life with no knowledge of the world, knows next to nothing. He could even be more naive than Chopper! Despite that, Yamato almost immediately accepts, even during the midst of a battle with his father.
Who is Yamato ?

The Straw Hats of course gave Yamato a resounding welcome. Luffy accepted his request to join the crew as a powerful new ally, cheering on the decision. It even gives the Straw Hats another race of people, as Yamato is an Oni! He also holds the power of a Mythical Zoan fruit, allowing him to turn into the Great Wolf that protects Wano. As usual, Zoan users can shift between, even taking a hybrid physique. Yamato uses this to her full advantage in both speed and power in her fight with her father.
Yamato was about to leave with Luffy and the crew when Wano is suddenly attacked. Quickly ridding Vice-Admiral Ryokugyu from Wano’s surrounding coast, Yamato realizes that even though it’s free, it still isn’t safe. So, he decides to stay back and travel the country before joining the Straw Hat crew, living as Oden did before.
Where is Yamato now ?

This doesn’t mean that Yamato won’t join the crew, though! Hopefully, Yamato’s stay in Wano will only be a brief setback to his joining the Straw Hats. Usually, when Luff asks, it happens one way or another. Jimbei, the only exception, took about three arcs. While getting him on the Thousand Sunny was a complicated journey, Yamato may follow a trajectory before reaching Laughtale.
As fights wind down in the anime, fans of the One Piece manga may be close to getting Yamato. Egghead Island is about over, and Doctor Vegapunk is on the Sunny now! Now, a massive collision is due at the end of the Grand Line as everyone races for treasure. Others like Cross Guild, the World Government, and Blackbeard are only a few threats. The Straw Hats are sure to need Yamato and any other powerful allies they can convince to join them in the last battle of their journey!