Mera-Mera no Mi: One Piece’s Flame-Flame Fruit Explained

Weidled by such heavyweight fighters as the Fire Fist Ace and Flame Emperor Sabo, the Mera-Mera no Mi is one of One Piece’s strongest Devil Fruits. Others may know it as the Flame-Flame Fruit, but the one thing for sure

Ross Tyson 5 Min Read

One Piece Pirates That Shouldn’t Be Pirate King

The main goal of Monkey D. Luffy as well as various other pirates in the series, is to be the Pirate King. But what exactly does this goal mean? Well, it means different things for different people, but for the

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Who is Sir Crocodile in One Piece?

Sir Crocodile, one of One Piece’s first big villains, is also the second Warlord of the Sea to debut in the series. A long-running character in the series, Crocodile is one of the most layered, interesting characters in One Piece

Ross Tyson 12 Min Read

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