After One Piece’s Charlotte Smoothie made our Top 10 Big Mom Pirates, Ranked list, we had to do a deep dive.
As new fans continue to pour into One Piece like a U.S. Black Friday sale, we keep seeing questions about the Big Mom Pirates. With a closer look, it’s clear why this is the case. It’s like Bubblegum’s subjects in Adventure Time suddenly became conflicted sadomasochists with a penchant for piracy. So, without further hesitation, who is Charlotte Smoothie of the Big Mom Pirates? What makes her worthy of analysis? Let’s get on with it.
Introducing Smoothie

Charlotte Smoothie is a very memorable character in the world of One Piece. Her striking appearance, formidable abilities, and mysterious personality make her a memorable addition to the series. As one of the Sweet Commanders of the Big Mom Pirates, she plays a significant role in the Whole Cake Island Arc. Where her presence poses a considerable challenge to the Straw Hat Pirates.
If we’re being honest, she sort of seems like a multiverse parallel to Lila in Futurama. That is, if we’re going off of aesthetics. She is an imposing figure, hailing from the Longleg Tribe, known for her statuesque build and sun-kissed tan complexion. Among other signature features is her flowing, snowy-white hair, partially veiling her right eye. Hence the reference.
Smoothie’s Role in The Big Mom Pirates

We went over this a bit in the Top 10 list, but it doesn’t hurt to go deeper. As a member of the Charlotte Family and one of the Sweet Commanders, Charlotte Smoothie has complex relationships with other characters in the One Piece world. Her loyalty to Big Mom is unquestionable. She serves as one of the most trusted officers in the Big Mom Pirates. Smoothie holds the esteemed position of one of the Big Mom Pirates’ Three Sweet Commanders. She also serves as Totto Land’s Minister of Juice, overseeing the administration of 100% Island.
How Strong Is Charlotte Smoothie?

To begin with, given Smoothie’s Longleg Tribe lineage, it’s reasonable to assume that she possesses formidable leg strength. Her staggering bounty of 932,000,000 reflects the World Government’s perception of her as an exceptionally perilous individual. Teaming up with Daifuku and Galette, she successfully subdued Sanji, Reiju, and Luffy, albeit the latter was considerably debilitated. In the anime, she exhibits her formidable might by propelling Vinsmoke Reiju backward and displaying a vice-like grip when detaining Nami against her wishes.
Charlotte Smoothie’s Devil Fruit

Charlotte Smoothie possesses a Devil Fruit ability known as the Shibo Shibo no Mi, which is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit. This unique power grants her the ability to squeeze and wring the liquid content out of any object or living being. Effectively dehydrating them. This ability extends to liquids within her immediate vicinity as well. Allowing her to extract vast quantities of liquid from her surroundings.
The Shibo Shibo no Mi is a versatile and formidable power that Smoothie has mastered to great effect. She can use it in various ways, such as extracting the juice from fruits to create potent drinks. Draining the fluids from her opponents to immobilize them, or even dehydrating lava. Don’t ask how the latter is even possible. This is One Piece, so deal with it. Smoothie’s control over this ability definitely makes her a formidable adversary in battle and a valuable asset to the Big Mom Pirates. But how does she impact the Story?
What Happens During The Whole Cake Island Arc?

Charlotte Smoothie plays a significant role in the Whole Cake Island Arc, one of the major story arcs in One Piece. In this arc, the Straw Hat Pirates infiltrate Whole Cake Island to rescue their crewmate, Sanji, and confront Big Mom, one of the Four Emperors of the Sea. Smoothie’s role as one of the Sweet Commanders puts her in direct opposition to the Straw Hat Pirates, and she becomes one of their primary adversaries during their time on the island.
Throughout the arc, Smoothie is tasked with defending Whole Cake Chateau, Big Mom’s towering fortress and the central hub of the island. Within the Room of Treasure, Smoothie and Tamago stood to watch over the three poneglyphs owned by Big Mom. Also, Smoothie harnessed her Devil Fruit ability to dehydrate a woman, draining the life force from her. That’s some real dedication. Subsequently, Smoothie, Daifuku, Compote, and various units of the Big Mom Pirates mustered a formidable fleet with the objective of pursuing and capturing the Straw Hats, the Fire Tank Pirates, and the Sun Pirates before any of them could evade Totto Land.
Impressive Failure

She is responsible for maintaining order and security within the castle, as well as overseeing the security of the powerful and mysterious treasure. Smoothie’s presence and her formidable abilities make her a formidable obstacle for the Straw Hat Pirates as they navigate the challenges of Whole Cake Island. Although she is ultimately unsuccessful, her power is on full display, and one can see how the position was earned.
A Flavorful Legacy

Smoothie’s Devil Fruit abilities, the Shibo Shibo no Mi, grant her unique and versatile powers that she uses with deadly precision. Her calm and composed demeanor, combined with her ruthless determination, make her a formidable adversary and a loyal servant of Big Mom.
However, it is Smoothie’s shadowy aura surrounding her motivations and relationships that add depth to her character. One Piece is known for creating both literally and figuratively colorful characters, and Charlotte Smoothie is up high on that list. Her role in the story and her interactions with other characters continue to be a source of fascination for fans of the series, and she remains a character of great intrigue in the ongoing adventures of Monkey D. Luffy and his crew.