The main power of the Straw Hat Pirates Archeologist, the Flower-Flower Fruit is versatile and fits Robin perfectly. Nico Robin Devil Fruit is great for either offense or defense, and even gives Robin an advantage for any kind of spy work she has to do. So, what exactly is the Flower-Flower Fruit, and how does it help Robin survive her tragic life?
Warning that this article contains spoilers for One Piece through the current chapter, 1091. The manga is available to read online from Viz or MangaPlus.
What is the Flower-Flower Fruit?

The Flower-Flower Fruit (also called Hana Hana No Mi) is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit eaten by Nico Robin of the Straw Hat Pirates. This Fruit allows Robin to create limbs and appendages wherever she wants, whether it be on her own body, others, or sprouting from nearby surfaces. Robin is able to sprout multiple of the same type of body part if she wants to, such as her Mil Fleurs move which blooms multiple hands from the ground beneath her enemy’s feet. She’s not shy about what she does with the hands she grows either, and gave Franky a showcase of how brutal she can be early on.
After the time skip Robin learns to further control her powers, creating even larger versions of her limbs that she can fight with. This lets her make massive legs to stomp on enemies (calm down, you monsters) or giant hands for slapping them away. At some points Robin even allows the crew to use her powers for their own jokes, like when she gave Luffy antlers to look like Chopper.
Nico Robin

Robin is young when she eats the Flower-Flower Fruit, as she has the powers in her earliest flashback at Ohara. This is actually how she learns so much about the Void Century initially in the story, using her powers to spy. While she wasn’t allowed to attend the Ohara scholars’ secret meetings in the basement, she would grow an ear or eye on the wall during meetings. This lets her learn the ancient language of Poneglyph carvings, allowing her to read the directions and notes left behind about the Void Century.
Robin herself is a tragic character, with the Flower-Flower Fruit being an apt power for her. She’s initially a very closed-off character from the others, isolated in her belief that she’s better off dead. After the events of Enies Lobby, she truly blooms into a beautiful human, finally able to thrive with a family that nurtures her as a person.
Advantages for Spying

The Flower-Flower Fruit overall is a fantastic weapon for espionage and intelligence gathering. Robin has an early start with using it this way when she learns the secrets the Ohara scholars are studying, but she hones these abilities with Baroque Works. The powers that allow her to attach ears or eyes anywhere she wants let Robin have almost unlimited access to the information around her, able to see anything from anywhere she can bloom.
Recently Robin has been using an ability that allows her to make a full clone, though it can only go a certain distance from her. It’s an incredibly useful ability for not only espionage, but diversion as well.
Robin has, over the years, evolved her Flower-Flower Fruit powers to give her flight abilities as well. She’s able to blend hundreds of hands together on her back in the form of wings, allowing her to fly for very brief periods. It’s not used very much, mostly for last-second saves from a fall, but sometimes she incorporates it into combat for a deadly result.
Robin’s Combat Style

Initially, Robin’s combat is based around grappling, mostly growing limbs on others in order to restrain them. This stays consistent for most of the story’s first half. After the time skip, Robin comes back with some great upgrades and one great makeover. Now able to make her limbs giant when she blooms them, Robin is also able to reinforce with basic Armament Haki. During her time with the Revolutionary Army, Hack the Fishman trains Robin in Fish-man Karate, which she uses to great advantage with her powers.
Her latest upgrade is Demonios Fleurs, where Robin uses her Flower-Flower Fruit to embrace her title- Demon Child of Ohara. She grows wings, horns, and massive claws to attack enemies with. The drawback is she’s only able to maintain this form for a short time. It’s still incredibly deadly though, and keeps Robin in the fight during the Raid on Onigashima in the Wano arc.
Has Robin Awakened Her Devil Fruit?

As of right now, no Robin has not Awakened her Devil Fruit. Devil Fruit Awakenings are still being explored in the manga. So right now it’s not quite clear what an Awakening for the Flower-Flower Fruit would look like. It’s possible it allows Robin to bloom other people’s limbs wherever she wants, but at this point, it’s anyone’s guess. No doubt if and when Robin does Awaken her Fruit, it’s going to be a badass moment in One Piece.
Nico Robin continues her journeys with the Straw Hats to find out what the Void Century entails. Her Flower-Flower Fruit has saved Straw Hats on plenty of occasions. Whether it’s helping to save them from dangerous obstacles or just stay afloat at sea. There are still plenty of ways the Flower-Flower Fruit can develop into stronger Fruit in One Piece though, and the Straw Hats are never content with their strength. Robin will likely train even more, so some Devil Fruit upgrades will be sure to happen in the future!