Marineford arc is finally here, and it’s the turning point of One Piece’s story. Luffy is on his way from Impel Down with other escaped prisoners, and they’re heading right for the execution site! He’s determined to save his brother, but will he be able to get past three Navy Admirals, the Head Admiral, and his own grandfather? The Navy will attempt to dismantle the Golden Age of Pirates by killing Whitebeard and Ace in one go, but will they succeed in the Marineford arc?
This arc is going to be split into two articles for the sake of length and reading time. It’s for everyone’s benefit because Marineford is, all things considered, a shorter arc, but fits in such a dense story it’s a lot to keep up with. To skip over to part two, which covers the other half of the arc, head here.
Sengoku Monologues

As any good antagonist does before striking down a hero and defeating them for good, Sengoku goes off on a monologue. It’s a hell of a lore dump too as he tells the entire story of Ace’s life. Oh, and he’s televising the entire thing on special projectors set up throughout the entire world. So, just normal things for a government-run military branch to do. Meanwhile, their mass of soldiers prepares for battle, along with the remaining Warlords that aren’t with Luffy.
Ace’s Past

This is the big reason Sengoku wants to broadcast the story throughout the world, and show who Ace really is. The young pirate is already known throughout most of the Grand Line and his home of East Blue, just like Luffy. However, he did things differently and after founding his own pirate crew, moves to attack Whitebeard on his home turf. Naturally, things don’t go well for Ace or his Spade Pirates, but he stays to fight Whitebeard so they can flee. This actually endears him to the Emperor, who takes him in first as somewhat of a prisoner but asks him to join them.
When he eventually relents Ace moves up quickly in the crew, adjusting to being one of Whitebeard’s many sons in his family. The crew is close, with everyone calling the old captain ‘Pops’in endearment. Ace becomes a division commander, and Blackbeard is actually under him when he kills the other commander, Thatch. This is why he was so intent on catching the chaotic Whitebeard, despite the pleading of Whitebeard and others not to.
Portgaz D Ace, Son of Gol D Roger

Then comes the big reveal, that Ace and Luffy are only brothers by bond, not blood. Ace’s father is Gol D Roger, the Pirate King! Don’t ask how, but Roger’s lover Portgaz D Rogue managed to keep Ace in her womb for twenty months. All to ensure that her son isn’t taken by the Navy for his bloodline. She did, but it cost her her life, so Garp took Ace in as a favor to one of his oldest friends, Roger. Garp kept it secret from whoever he could that Ace was the son of Roger, though Ace found out pretty early in life.
The World Government executing Ace while also trying to kill Whitebeard is a play by them to stop the Great Age of Pirates. By eliminating the only son of Roger as well as one of his equals in Whitebeard will send a tremor through the world that they hope will stop any resistance. It’s an extremely desperate ploy by them to keep the rising tides of pirates at bay, rather than risk their power.
Rescue Ace!

The fight has yet to begin but all the pieces are in place. Hundreds of ships with Whitebeard’s Jolly Roger sail toward the Navy island, all there to help Ace. Hundreds have come for the fight, but Whitebeard is still not there as Ace kneels at the execution platform. All of the division leaders are there, including some that will be major players in later arcs of Luffy. Meanwhile, the Navy has the three Admirals on standby, plus others like Smoker and Tashigi waiting in the wings to take them out. Things aren’t playing out in any of their favor and Ace’s future begins to look dim at best.
Warlords of the Sea

Six of the Warlords of the Sea are present, as Jimbei forfeits his title when he helps Luffy and Blackbeard is yet to show. The ones that are there include Boa Hancock, Bartholemew Kuma, Donquixote Doflamingo, Gecko Moria, and Dracule ‘Hawkeye’ Mihawk. They’re all in different states of mind about what to do. Hancock especially is torn between her love for Luffy and her position as a Warlord. It’s the only thing protecting Kuja from the World Government, and she has to carefully tread a line as she assists.
Kuma is indifferent and seems to have fully transitioned into the Pacifista war machines of the Navy. Mihawk is his usual cool indifferent attitude, and Moria just wants to take some revenge on Whitebeard, plus procure some new research subjects. Doflamingo is the most unhinged one there, and he’s giddy at the blood about to dye the seas around them.
Whitebeard Makes His Entrance

While all the ships approach from around the bay of Marineford, Whitebeard himself is absent. Until he pulls the most badass surprise tactic ever and emerges right off the shore of Marineford Bay. His ship the Moby Dick, capable of undersea travel, sneaks by under the water to emerge up front. Whitebeard and his First Division leader Marco the Phoenix stand out on the ship’s deck. That’s when they loudly proclaim to Ace that they’re there to save him.
Ace begs everyone to leave him there and keep themselves safe. Whitebeard insists it was him that made Ace go after Blackbeard, though. Ace is heartbroken as the Whitebeard pirates go on the offensive to reclaim their brother. Then the Admirals mount their counterattack with a big show.
Marco the Phoenix

This is Marco’s first real battle appearance, but it shows why he’s such a vital asset. Not just to the Whitebeard Pirates, but later as a Straw Hat ally. Marco ate the Bird-Bird Fruit, Model Phoenix, and assumes a fiery blue appearance thanks to the Mythical Zoan Fruit. His ability to fly is already a huge boost to the battle power. His true value is that his phoenix flames have the power to heal whoever he wishes to. It’s going to be useful too, as there are a lot of injuries about to go down at the Marineford battle.
Three Admirals

Aokiji and Kizaru have already had moments to show off their powers, but those were nothing compared to the abilities here. They’re able to let loose completely, uncaring of any sort of collateral damage. Aokiji freezes the entire bay, keeping all the ships in place in the ice. Kizaru follows up by zipping through as light and blasting pirates where he can. The pirate alliance abandons the ship and begins to traverse the ice on foot toward the island of Marineford as Whitebeard’s fleet commanders charge in.
Then Akainu enters the scene, and things turn bad for a lot of people on both sides. Akainu has no care for the lives of the Navy or pirates as long as it leads to his result of justice. Sengoku allows it, despite his personal feelings, and Garp says he won’t take any part in this. The power of Akainu’s Magma-Magma Fruit begins to rain lava and meteors around the battlefield, and it takes out lives across the board.
Garp and Ace

While Garp is there for the execution, he’s told Sengoku that he won’t intervene for either side no matter what. Ace has obvious contempt for how his adoptive father treats him. Then there’s a small flashback to a conversation they had at Impel Down. Carp doesn’t understand why Ace became what he did, nor does he understand his loyalty to Whitebeard. Then again Garp was an absentee parent so it’s not that much of a surprise. Chalk it up to Ace not being blood-related to Garp, but things are about to go south for him in that regard.
Luffy Appears

Things are getting tense in the battle, soldiers fall left and right. The stench of death is in the air when suddenly a rubber boy falls from the sky. It’s not the strangest thing to happen during the fight, but Luffy and company arrive in a befitting chaotic way. Their ship is getting close just as Aokiji freezes everything, so they’re frozen on top of a wave. Ivankov uses his power to blast all of them to the mainland. Unfortunately, they end up falling into a pool of water instead. Jimbei is able to rescue all of the Devil Fruit users, and Ace sees Luffy for the first time since Alabasta.
Ace is angry that Luffy is anywhere near Marineford, not to mention that he’s there to rescue Ace. They exchange some words but Luffy is happy-go-lucky as usual while he reassures his brother they’ll save him. Sengoku takes the chance to monologue again while they’re at it (still broadcasting). Then he goes all in and reveals Luffy’s father is Dragon, leader of the Revolutionaries. Iva makes it a point to protect Luffy as he’s loyal to Dragon. That’s when things click into place for Smoker about the events in Loguetown. Meanwhile, Luffy doesn’t give a damn and continues on his path to rescue Ace.
Koby and Helmeppo

Helmeppo is relatively useless outside of defending Koby from incoming attacks. Koby has his real moment here that truly defines his character, though. As the fight starts he begins to hear voices screaming, blinking out one by one, and it overwhelms him. This is just his first instance of Observation Haki, and he’s proficient by the time Luffy comes back from training.
A Desperate Battle to Ace

Luffy has landed but he still has to cross a battlefield to reach his brother. Battles rage on all around him, and there’s nowhere to go but forward. Ace waits on the execution stand, powerless to help. He can’t even resist in any way thanks to the Sea-Prism cuffs on his wrists. Before Luffy can even say or do anything, he’s attacked by Kizaru, barely saved in time by Ivankov. Whitebeard shakes the earth around with his Tremor-Tremor Fruit powers and gets Luffy’s attention. They exchange words before coming to a tentative alliance, though Luffy makes sure to tell Whitebeard that he plans on taking the role of Pirate King.
Despite the shock of everyone around, Whitebeard just laughs at this. He’s impressed by the Straw Hat boy’s tenacity, and comments about the hat he wears. Whitebeard is old friends with Shanks, even back to the apprentice years he spent with Roger’s crew. He recognizes Luffy’s hat as Roger’s originally. The two run off into battle together to make the save for Ace, son of Whitebeard and brother of Luffy.
That’s just the opening act of Marineford, and it’s already a whole article on its own! So, the other half of the battle and its emotional climax are available here. The journey of Straw Hat Luffy continues on despite the tragedy and challenges he faces. All because he’s determined to become King of the Pirates!
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